Are You Satisfied?


“It is Christ alone who supplies all the spiritual needs of all believers.”[1] Does that ring true to you? Do you find yourself entirely satisfied spiritually in Christ, or are you still looking, searching, for something to fill in the missing pieces? Are You Satisfied?

If you are still unsatisfied, what is it about your life that is blocking you from receiving the fullness of Christ? Are you neglecting His Word? Are you harboring some cherished sin? Are you just so busy doing your job, your hobbies, your favorite leisure time activities that you don’t have time for Him?

On a recent road trip I listened again, often, on repeat, to the hymn “Satisfied”. I wonder if this hymn speaks to you as it does to me, of the joy and satisfaction that can be found in Christ. Can’t say I’m there, or at least not always, but it is my prayer today as it should be every day, that Jesus will satisfy my longings.

All my life long I had panted for a draught from some cool spring,

That I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within.

Hallelujah! I have found Him Whom my soul so long has craved!

Jesus satisfies my longings; through His life I now am saved.[2]

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[1] J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on The Gospel of John (Aneko Press: Kindle Edition), p. 10.

[2] Clara Tear Williams, Satisfied (All my life long I had panted), Public domain.

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