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Predicar El Evangelio A Los Catolico-Romanos? – Parte 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 In Christ we have the “last word from God.” That means that the papal encyclicals, the tradition and magisterium the church councils and apostolic fathers…

Es Suprema La Inglesia Catolica Romana? – Parte 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 Carlos Knott continues to address the questions: Is the Church really the light and guide for salvation for all people? What do the Scriptures say?…

Es Suprema La Inglesia (Is the Church Supreme?) – Parte 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 Carlos Knott responds to the news release on 9/5/02000 of Cardinal Ratzinger, et al, who declared the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church and that…

?Al Cielo Por Los Diez Mandamientos?-Capitulo 4: El Inmaculado

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 Who is the only person who has ever kept all 10 commandments? Has the Catholic Church given to Mary titles and descriptions that belong only…

?Al Cielo Por Los Diez Mandamientos?-Capitulo 3

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 The second five commandments emphasize our responsibility toward others. While the Law highlights our sinful condition, it also teaches us about how far reaching God’s…

?Al Cielo Por Los Diez Mandamientos?-Capitulo 2

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 4, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 This article deals with the first five commandments, which emphasize our responsibility toward God. The author looks at what it would mean for a person…

?Al Cielo Por Los Diez Mandamientos?-Capitulo 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / July 3, 2000

By: Carlos Tomas Knott; ©2000 For a religious person, the question a thoughtful person should ask is, Can we reach heaven by keeping the 10 commandments? The Catholic Scriptures say…

The Death of Christ

By Dr. Norman Geisler / June 26, 2000

The death of Christ is the necessary prerequisite to his resurrection, which is the crowning proof of Jesus’ claim to be God. Further, Islam, one of the chief opponents of…

Faith is Not a Feeling

By The John Ankerberg Show / June 7, 2000

By: Nancy Missler; ©2000 What happens to your faith when you are faced with a devastating tragedy? Nancy Missler explores that question from painful personal experience. Introduction As we said…

Why is Faith so Important?—Part One

By The John Ankerberg Show / June 7, 2000

By: Nancy Missler; ©2000 Nancy Missler explains what faith is, and looks particularly at the life of Abraham to see what a difference faith made in his life. Contents 1…

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