Zechariah ties 2:8-12 to chapter 9 (especially verses 2:10 and 9:9) through several unique parallels that signal we are to read these texts in light of each. This is significant,…
Zechariah 2:8-12 and Zechariah 9 are both carefully constructed around a matching literary pattern. The pattern takes its shape around God alternating between speaking of Himself in the first and…
Imagine yourself amidst the bustling crowd that day, the air thick with anticipation and the earth beneath your feet trembling with the collective excitement of those gathered. The dusty streets…
“Low in the grave He lay—Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day—Jesus my Lord.”[1] To all outward appearance, this is a tragic time. Jesus had been crucified. Once His death…
The doctrine of biblical inerrancy is a hot button issue for many scholars, and huge books have been written in an attempt to clarify what is meant by that term.…
We begin by acknowledging that archeology should not be expected to either “prove” or “disprove” the Bible. That’s not its purpose. However, in their book Ready with An Answer, Drs.…
One of the most famous chapters in the bible is 1 Corinthians 13. Its excerpts are often spoken in marriage ceremonies, printed on Valentine’s Day cards, and composed as song…
Introduction As Christians, we all accept the New Testament books as authoritative and true. But your non-Christian professors and friends don’t. Well then, what evidence should you use in talking…