Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Networking with Nature

By Jim Virkler / June 18, 2020

Published 6-18-2020 In modern parlance, networking signifies making contact and exchanging information. Usually it relates to interactions with other people, groups, or things. We refer to social networking with a nod to technology unheard…

By the Numbers

By Jim Virkler / June 6, 2020

Published 6-6-2020 “By the numbers” is a well-known modern idiom. Its use suggests doing things in a strict, exact, formulaic way. However, there is no literal meaning of numbers in a mathematical…

The Case for Microbe Parasites

By Jim Virkler / May 16, 2020

Published 5-16-2020 Lately anyone who makes a positive case for viruses may be looked upon with suspicion. In the case of one specific coronavirus, COVID-19, that view is understandable. The…


By Jim Virkler / May 8, 2020

Health officials are confident the COVID-19 pandemic will soon be controlled. Given the modern array of effective weapons and practices for the control of infectious agents, the likelihood exists that…

Bondage to Decay

By Jim Virkler / April 27, 2020

Published 4-27-2020 Before dealing with an unusual passage from the Book of Romans describing the characteristics of decay present on our home planet, we first focus on more numerous passages…

Causes and Effects of Mutated Viruses

By Jim Virkler / April 18, 2020

Published 4-18-2020 In 1892 viruses were discovered to be infectious agents. The concept of such agents supported Louis Pasteur’s “germ theory” in the 19th century. No scientist had observed any virus until…

Viruses in Family History

By Jim Virkler / April 4, 2020

Published 4-4-2020 Childhood memories have been resurrected during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Personal experiences with viral diseases were a significant part of childhood events in the lives of most older…

Why Is COVID-19 “Novel?”

By Jim Virkler / March 25, 2020

Published 3-25-2020 Mankind is confronted with a blizzard of multidimensional news concerning COVID-19. Consequently, we will comment on a few elements of the “novel” coronavirus phenomenon, especially, why COVID-19 is a “novel” disease. Novel…

Virus Profusion and COVID-19

By Jim Virkler / March 21, 2020

Published 3-21-2020 Many lay Christians, pastors, teachers, and theologians have been focused on explaining the presence of the current COVID–19 pandemic in terms of God’s relationship with the human race. Pandemics, both…

Natural Deterioration

By ATRI Staff / March 16, 2020

Published 1-22-2016 A mid-winter retreat from the cold winter climate of our permanent residence affords an opportunity to connect with relatives and friends. Some siblings have already become permanently ensconced…

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