Published 3-19-2018 Modern anatomical humans originated about 200,000 years ago. Prior to that there existed a virtual managerie of different hominid species, sometimes historically reported using the imagery of a…
Published 3-14-2018 In less than one month two human giants have passed into timeless eternity. The subjects of their achievements could not have been more dissimilar. Notwithstanding, for different reasons,…
Published 3-8-2018 The process of editing is a high level human skill. With respect to written works from high school essays to newspaper articles to drama texts, skillful editors are…
Published 2-28-2018 The DNA code, discovered during the lifetimes of millions of people alive today, provides instructions for simple atoms and molecules of matter to form and assemble themselves into…
Published 2-21-2018 Miracle: A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. The foregoing definition of “miracle” modifies what many people traditionally believed about the…
Published 2-11-2018 When public media assign extra hyperbole to celestial events that already possess appeal and fascination, science educators are grateful. Extensive publicity was given to the last two total…
Published 2-5-2018 The total lunar eclipse on January 31 merited many superlatives from media reporters. After all, no total eclipse had coincided with a blue moon for 152 years and…
Published 1-31-2018 During extended discussions concerning life origins with friends, exchanges have often revolved around evolution as a natural process. According to theory, evolution occurs as a mysterious undirected force…
Published 1-23-2018 The paradigm of evolution is still relentlessly promoted in our culture. Its link to mutation and natural selection, however, is weakening. Quoting a term popularized by science philosopher…
Published 1-18-2018 In our last post we dealt with the positions of two famous commentators concerning the origin of living things—Stephen C. Meyer and Perry Marshall. For Christians, believing the…