Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Matter’s Sustaining Power

By Jim Virkler / March 28, 2015

Published 3-28-2015 We have written about physical characteristics of atoms, the smallest units of matter. All matter is composed of the roughly 100 elements present on Earth. Atoms possess smaller…

Impossible without EMR

By Jim Virkler / March 24, 2015

Published 3-24-2015 The question “What is your favorite…” is a favorite conversation starter and sustainer. Usually we are asked to choose among games, foods, music, or people. Students of science…

Electromagnetic Reality

By Jim Virkler / March 21, 2015

Published 3-21-2015 The production and reception of electromagnetic waves is a scientific phenomenon of crucial importance. What is the wonder of electromagnetic waves? We are immersed in them in multiple…

Surrounded by Radiation

By Jim Virkler / March 17, 2015

Published 3-17-2015 If our blog title provokes fear, we must act quickly to allay a feeling of alarm. We must replace alarm with appreciation and respect for a mostly harmless,…

Discovery and Discussion

By Jim Virkler / March 11, 2015

Published 3-11-2015 Recollections from my tenure as a secondary school science educator filter through my memory after many years. My chosen teaching fields of physical and earth science enabled me…

Element Identity

By Jim Virkler / March 6, 2015

Published 3-6-2015 Midway through my teaching career our district offered a popular science course called Introductory Physical Science (IPS). One primary purpose was to introduce the concept that matter was…

Spectrum of Elements

By Jim Virkler / February 25, 2015

Published 2-25-2015 Flashback to your high school chemistry classes. Early in the course we were privileged with the discussion of chemical elements. In the context of our studies we found…

Bottom Up or Top Down?

By Jim Virkler / February 20, 2015

Published 2-20-2015 Bottom up or top down? In many conversations in science, economics, government, and a great number of other human endeavors, this dichotomy factors into the discussion. One way…

Suffused with Intelligence

By Jim Virkler / February 13, 2015

Published 2-13-2015 The accomplishments of the youngest members of humanity manifest remarkable intelligence almost from birth. God’s image is apparent in a powerful relational quality in their existence. Infants begin…

Supernaturalism Works!

By Jim Virkler / February 5, 2015

Published 2-5-2015 We conclude our recent discussions of the Ruse-Rana debate on origins by giving Dr. Rana the last word. We have endeavored to cover a diverse range of issues.…

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