
What does living as a “Christ follower” mean for your everyday life?

In God We Trust

By The John Ankerberg Show | April 30, 2018

A recent Pew Research Centerstudy of more than 4,700 Americans reveals that while 80 percent of people believe in God or a higher power, only a slim majority now believe…

5 Ways Apologetics Strengthens Our Faith

By The John Ankerberg Show | April 2, 2018

When people hear the word “apologetics,” they often wonder why you are apologizing. However, apologetics is from the Greek word apologeia meaning a defense. Christians use the word apologetics to…

Rediscovering the Great Commission

By The John Ankerberg Show | April 2, 2018

A new Barna study shows just over half of American churchgoers were unfamiliar with the term “Great Commission.” Another 25 percent did not know what the Great Commission means. Despite…

How Do You Love Your Neighbor?

By The John Ankerberg Show | March 21, 2018

  For each of us there is one person who we always forgive every time they do something wrong. There is one person who we always give the benefit of…

How Should I Pray?

By Rev. Sam Harris | March 6, 2018

I have used the concordance in my Bible to look up passages on prayer, and have learned the Lord’s Prayer, which I pray every night before going to bed. I want to learn more of how to prayer, and would like to know what a prayer should include?…

Why Do We Celebrate Easter?

By The John Ankerberg Show | March 6, 2018

Why Do We Celebrate Easter? We celebrate Easter because it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Christians believe that Jesus was killed by crucifixion on a Friday and then actually came back…

5 Ways to Show God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

By The John Ankerberg Show | February 7, 2018

Valentine’s Day is often celebrated through cards, candy, or romance. As children, we enjoy exchanging Valentine greetings and creating heart decorations. As adults, we may enjoy a special meal with…

When a Loved One Commits Suicide

By The John Ankerberg Show | October 4, 2017

One of the greatest pains a person can face is the loss of a loved one to suicide. I know. When I was only two years old, my grandmother ended…

Christ’s Formula for Freedom

By The John Ankerberg Show | January 2, 2017

  Introduction: How Do You Make Good Decisions? A very successful CEO was about to retire and the board passed over some likely successors to choose a very energetic young…

Obedience – The Gateway to Moral Freedom

By The John Ankerberg Show | July 22, 2016

“Freedom is not the right to do what you want, but the power to do what you ought.” Today, in an age of cheap grace, there are many who are…

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