Recent Articles


By Faith – Learning by Example from the Old Testament Saints

Hebrews chapter 11 begins with these words: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for” (Hebrews 11:1-2). But immediately preceding these words, in the last verses of the previous chapter we read, “‘But my righteous one will live…


Hiding God’s Word – Regarding Honesty

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). The Cambridge Dictionary defines honesty as: “telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie.”[1] I suspect most of us have some difficulty adhering to that definition in our everyday lives.…


Learning to Trust God

Memory Verses from the Book of Daniel According to an article I read recently, the key lesson from the book of Daniel is not “Dare to be a Daniel,” as important as that may be. The real lesson, the author says, is “Dare to trust in Daniel’s God.” So, let’s think about some key verses…


Praying in the New Year

As believers in Jesus Christ, we all recognize that we ought to pray. Most of us recognize within ourselves that we do not pray as often, as fervently, or as heavenly directed as we should.  But at the same time, we may come to recognize that we have fallen into many improper habits when it…

Bible Verses to Start the New Year

10 Bible Verses to Start the New Year

As we close out one year and move toward the next, it’s a wonderful time to reflect, adjust, and look forward to what the upcoming year holds. For Christians, seeking God’s will in our lives starts with His Word. Bible verses to start the new year can provide wisdom and inspiration, guiding us in how…


Vulnerability of Faith

“Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:2).  God’s call to Abraham to sacrifice his son opens one of the most familiar yet harrowing narratives in the Bible. The reader is told very little about the…


God’s Promise, Our New Beginning

As we grow in knowledge of God’s Word, it is all too easy (if you’re like me) to fall into a drowsy sort of familiarity.  Many times, as I read passages I know well, I am numb to the wonder I remember from my earliest readings. Only by God’s grace am I ever shaken awake…


Longing for a New Beginning

Psalm 42 begins with the familiar refrain, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1). This desperate desire for God stems from the depth of his internal pain which feels as if it was a physical wound, his days are filled with tears, his soul is…


Remembering to Look Ahead

As we enter a new year, many will surely embrace this fresh start as a time to set goals to accomplish through their own effort and discipline. While this is not a bad thing, the Bible offers a different vision. An episode in the story of Israel may serve as a reminder of how the…


Identifying the Messiah

Is there evidence in history that God gave specific information hundreds of years in advance about a person He knew would live here on earth? What specific accounts are given and where can they be found? Did the people to whom the information came recognize that they had been given special information? Do these prophecies…