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Understanding the Appeal of Psychics

Why has the paranormal gained traction in Western culture, along with the enduring popularity of psychics and the widespread fascination with contacting the dead? What drives this interest? Examining the appeal of the paranormal is not like looking through a telescope at a single subject. Rather, it is like looking through a kaleidoscope, for there…

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Can You Be Saved Apart from Jesus?

Can You Be Saved Apart from Jesus? Dr. John Ankerberg: The Barna Research Group did a national survey of Americans, and found out the 75-78% of all Americans thought they were going to heaven. Now, the question is, how can you know for certain that you will go to heaven? People are saying, “I want…

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What do Jehovah’s Witnesses Teach about Salvation?

What do Jehovah’s Witnesses Teach about Salvation? Dr John Ankerberg and Dr Walter Martin break it down in this insightful interview. Dr. John Ankerberg: I would like to come back to the Watchtower Society, the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In terms of the atonement, the Jehovah’s Witnesses says, “The atonement is a ransom paid to Jehovah God…

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Should Christians Support the Modern State of Israel?

This article explores the question of whether Christians should support the modern state of Israel in light of recent events, particularly a surprise attack by Hamas resulting in fatalities and hostages. The author acknowledges that supporting Israel does not mean endorsing every action or policy, but rather affirming their belief that the land of Israel has been promised to them by God. The article goes on to provide biblical and practical reasons for supporting Israel, and suggests that Christians have a specific call to support Israel as part of their role as the church.


What Do Other Religions Think About the Holy Spirit?

What Do Other Religions Think About the Holy Spirit? Let’s look at what Dr. Ankerberg and Dr. Martin have to say: Dr. John Ankerberg: Okay, the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, has the Holy Spirit as being female. Why?  Dr. Walter Martin: You would have to ask Mr. Moon that. I have always maintained that…


Will You Spend Eternity with God?

Will You Spend Eternity with God? Let’s look at what Dr. Ankerberg and Dr. Lutzer said in a recent episode of the show. Dr. John Ankerberg: How can you be certain that you will spend eternity with God? Now, some of you think that you’re already certain. Some of you know that you’re certain. Some…

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What Do Other Religions Think About Jesus?

Look into at enlightening exploration as we uncover how different religions perceive Jesus. From Islam to Hinduism, learn how various faiths interpret the teachings of Jesus Dr. John Ankerberg: Dr. Martin, we’ve got something here. We look at the Watchtower magazine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Boy, they’re strong on what they think about Jesus. For…

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The Cost of Prayer

What is the cost of prayer? Just do a Google search on “Verses about prayer,” and you will find commands and promises such as these: It should be clear that God wants us to pray. It should be clear that God’s wants us to pray in every situation, and for every need. It would probably…

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Why has God Scheduled Future Events for Planet Earth? – Part 3

[From Part 2] God’s purpose for history and therefore the ultimate purpose is to glorify Himself by demonstrating the fact that He alone is the sovereign God of this universe. Has God scheduled future events? Now, the Scriptures indicate that in order for God to accomplish that purpose, there are three significant things God must…

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What Do Others Think About the Trinity?

What Do Others Think About the Trinity? Dr. John Ankerberg: Every one of these groups that we’ve talked about disagrees on one specific thing, among others, and that is the Trinity.  Dr. Walter Martin: Yes.  Dr. John Ankerberg: They do not want to hold to the concept of the Trinity. Let me start off with…