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Is That an Error in the Bible? – Part 1

The Bible: who wrote it? God wrote it through men of God. The entire Bible claims to be the Word of God and it proves to be the Word of God. But are there any errors in it? The skeptic says, “Yes. There are scientific errors, historical errors.” Let me say it very simply and…


The Aseity of God – Part 2: Making it Personal

In Part 1, I gave a definition of aseity. Essentially, it means that God simply, and eternally, is. J.I. Packer puts it this way, “Our Maker exists in an eternal, self-sustaining, necessary way—necessary, that is, in the sense that he does not have it in him to go out of existence.”[1] Our first takeaway from…

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Logical Criteria for Determining Error and Truth – Part 2

Then, fifth, in the case of parallel passages—and you know, we do have parallel passages, for example, between the books of Samuel and Kings and Chronicles—the only method that can be justified is harmonization. That is to say, all the testimonies of the various witnesses are to be taken as trustworthy reports of what was…

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Logical Criteria for Determining Error and Truth – Part 1

One of the earliest professions that I trained for was the law. And I came to appreciate the standards that are, theoretically at least, maintained in law courts when it comes to the handling of evidence. And this is going to be the kind of exercise of logical criteria for determining error and truth, which…

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The Aseity of God

The word aseity is probably not part of the average person’s vocabulary. And, although I have often been accused of having a larger than average vocabulary, it’s not a word I was familiar with, so, when I ran across it recently, I felt compelled to find out what it meant. Little did I know! Let’s…


What Does the Bible Claim for Itself?

When we quote what the Bible says about itself, we’re not using the Bible to prove the Bible, we’re simply saying, “What does the Bible claim for itself?? It’s like asking me, “Who are you?” And I say, “My name is Norman Geisler. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.” You could verify whether that’s true.…

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Made in God’s Image

Just for curiosity, I was reading several articles about imago Dei, the “image of God.” It has long been debated what God actually meant when He said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26). What does Made in God’s image mean? The conclusion I was forced to come to is…


Who Wrote the Bible?

Is the Bible the word of God? Or is it the words of men? The Bible claims to be the Word of God and the Bible proves to be the Word of God. We’re going to show how this is the only book in the world that really claims to be, and proves to be,…


New Year’s Resolution – Spending Time in Your Bible

Every year thousands, perhaps millions, of Christians resolve to read their Bibles through in the coming year. And if you are like me, you do okay until you get to around Leviticus or Numbers. At that point you get bogged down in all the seemingly endless rules and regulations (I mean, who needs to know…

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Practical Advice for Demonic Deliverance

The following 15 points are intended as a brief, general guide to help pastors and concerned Christians assist those who are suffering from occult involvement. They are primarily derived from Dr. Kurt Koch who devoted over 40 years to counseling the occultly oppressed. We highly recommend his book, Occult Bondage and Deliverance.[1] Preliminary Acknowledgments for…