Satan and His Counterfeit Miracles, Signs, and Wonders
The evidence for the existence and activity of Satan and demons in the Bible is formidable. Seven books in the Old Testament specifically teach the reality of Satan (Genesis, 1 Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah). Every New Testament writer and 19 of the books refer to him (for example, Matthew 4:10; 12:26; Mark…

Defining Miracles – Part 3 – The Purpose of Miracles
The Purpose of Miracles Now that we’ve gained some insights on miracles from a biblical perspective [See Parts 1 and 2], let us proceed to briefly examine what Scripture says about the purpose of miracles. I’ve already touched on some of this in passing, but the following presents a broader picture. Miracles Accredit God’s Messengers…

Defining Miracles – Part 2 – Miracles of Providence—Grade B Miracles
How does one define an act of God today that is obviously supernatural but does not fit the narrow definition given above? [See Part 1] Scholars disagree on how to answer this question. Many prefer to use the term “providential act” instead of “miracle” to describe how God often acts today. Others prefer to say…

Defining Miracles – Part 1 – Understanding Miracles
The historian Edward Gibbon listed the miraculous powers ascribed to the early church as one of five reasons for the phenomenal growth of Christianity in the Roman Empire.[1] Miracles were and still are very important to Christianity. Indeed, Christianity is a religion of miracles. But just what is a miracle? Today the term is used…

A Sampling of Counterfeit “Miracles” in Modern Culture – Part 2
“Name” and “Claim” Your Own Miracle: The Word-Faith Movement “Name it and claim it” has become a household phrase in millions of homes across America. Why so? Because Word-Faith teachers perpetually teach this doctrine on national television. Just about every night, one can tune in and learn how to gain health or wealth by following…

The Case Against Miracles – Part 2
Science Does Not Disprove Miracles or the Bible Science depends upon observation and replication. Miracles, such as the Incarnation and the Resurrection, are unprecedented events by their very nature. No one can replicate these events in a laboratory. Hence, science simply cannot be the judge and jury as to whether these events occurred. The scientific…

The Case Against Miracles
Many modernists have claimed that miracles are impossible, given the clear teachings of science. Claimed miracles are dismissed in several ways. Some say the observers of alleged miracles are just mistaken. Others argue that simply because we don’t have a present explanation for some inexplicable event does not mean the supernatural was involved; as we…

A Sampling of Counterfeit “Miracles” in Modern Culture – Part 1
My goal in the present chapter is to touch on just a few of the very diverse counterfeit miracles that sprinkle the religious landscape today. What follows below should be understood as a small representative sampling from a very broad pool of counterfeit miracles. Even this small sampling points to the need for great discernment…

The Helper
I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently reading and researching for my upcoming series on the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit. One of the books I’m reading is Elmer Towns’ excellent book, The Ultimate Guide to the Names of God. It is chock full of great thoughts. Three of Dr. Towns books have been combined into this Ultimate Guide: My Father’s Name, The Names of Jesus, and The Names of The Holy Spirit.

Prophecy and Practical Living | Part 4
Biblical prophecy is important because it is an encouragement to godly living and evangelism. Millions of people today fear the future. Famous novelist Kurt Vonnegut expressed the despair of many when he said, “Things are going to get worse and worse and never get better again.”[1] Indeed, many of those who truly understand the world today are terrified. As we look around at our family, friends and neighbors, as we understand other’s concern with the future, we are encouraged to lead them to the One who controls the future. Only He can offer them hope in the face of life’s many uncertainties.