Recent Articles


Pandemic or Opportunity? Making the Most of Quarantine

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to limit travel and other activities, people grow increasingly frustrated. While such restrictions certainly challenged our daily lives, God calls us to make the most of every opportunity. How can we make the most of the COVID-19 crisis? Colossians 4:2-6 offers an insightful look at the approach God desires for…


Dragging Your Anchor

Do you have something that is keeping you firmly anchored in your past? Perhaps childhood abuse. Perhaps rape. Perhaps debilitating injury. Perhaps the loss of a child. Whatever that anchor may be, you find yourself incapable of moving past it and moving on with life. Or perhaps you are dragging some anchor that is keeping…


Grumbling to Grateful

Right now it seems every day’s news has some story about high school or college seniors who are lamenting the “loss” of some senior or graduation ritual. At the same time, people are suffering from “quarantine fatigue,” and grumbling about the continuing restrictions on our movements and activities. How can you remain grateful? May I…

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I Believe, Amen

Having spent nearly a year researching and writing about the Apostles’ Creed, I find myself strangely reluctant to see it come to an end. But end we must, because we have reached the final word, Amen. Amen, as Donald Cole explains, is a Hebrew word that can be translated “Certainly!” or “It is so!”[1] Apostles’…


Blessed: How Can We Live with God’s Blessing on Our Life?

You may hear many people say they are blessed. Others desire to be blessed. How do we live with God’s blessing? Much misconception surrounds the idea of being blessed by the Lord. However, Psalm 1 offers clear teaching regarding the life God blesses. Live with God’s Blessing: The Blessed Person Avoids Evil Verse 1 clearly…


I Believe in the Life Everlasting

The last declaration in the Apostles’ Creed is that Christians look forward to everlasting life. Who of us has not memorized John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes on him should not perish but have eternal life”? What is life everlasting? So what can we…


Why Pray “in Jesus’ Name”

John 14:13a says, “You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Are we suppose to pray in Jesus Name? Seems like a pretty clear blank check, doesn’t it? I mean, what could be more clear—you ask, end your prayer with the words “in Jesus’ name, amen,” and sit back and…


God in the 23rd Psalm

In his delightful book The Ultimate Guide to the Names of God, Elmer Towns explains that “as each name of God is unfolded, a new source of strength is revealed to His people.”[1] He includes a chart which shows how “Psalm 23 is structured to show that our needs are matched by the caring response…


Make the Most of Your Opportunities

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:15-16 How do you make the most of your opportunities? When life changes unexpectedly, how does God expect us to respond? He has provided a clear answer to this question.…


Christ Alone

One of the hardest things for many people to accept is that Jesus actually rose from the dead, and that hundreds of people claim they saw Him afterward. While some have attempted to pass these sightings off as mere hallucinations, Drs. John Ankerberg and John Weldon offer the following reasons why we should accept the…