The Value of a Godly Heritage
As we approach Mother’s Day again this year, I am reminded of the godly heritage I was privileged to grow up in. As a little girl I grew up on a farm in Indiana. All the years I was growing up, my parents traveled around the world doing evangelistic meetings. This required them to be…

The Power of a Praying Mother
Behind every great man is a praying mother. The Bible shares an important illustration of the influence of godly mother through the life of Timothy. Little is known about his mother, but the brief insights shared offer powerful principles for today. A Praying Mother Has Sincere Faith Paul wrote to Timothy, “I am reminded of…

Handling Your Emotions
What is the role of my emotions? God gave them to me, so they must be good to have. I’d hate to go through life without them or go through eternity unable to feel the euphoria of being in the Savior’s presence. But here on earth, my emotions have such a powerful influence on me…

There Is More to the Cross than Forgiveness
God Wishes Christians Knew…There is More to the Cross than Forgiveness! (from his book What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity Harvest House, 1998) I’m convinced that many Christians focus on one gracious facet of what our magnificent Champion, Jesus Christ, accomplished for us: the forgiveness of our sins. God forbid that I am…

How Does Jesus Death Help Me Face My Own Death?
How Does Jesus’ Death Help Me Face My Own Death? Dr. John Ankerberg: Erwin, as we’ve been looking at the topic of death over the past few weeks, you’ve mentioned to me that there is a lot of comfort Christians can gain by looking at Jesus’ death. Why don’t you share that with us now.…

What Can We Expect at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
The Bible says that at Christ’s Judgment Seat, each of us “will receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether GOOD or BAD.” What does the Bible mean when it says “good or bad”? We all want to be rewarded for the “good.” The “good” here refers to…

Can I Really Live A Virtuous Life?
Text: Romans 6:1-7, 11-13 Romans 6:18—You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Introduction: The Problem and Potential of Addiction Like it or not, we all know something about addiction these days. When we hear the word addiction, we immediately think about drugs and the near hopeless war that seems…

Why Don’t Christians Know the Bible Better?
A recent article for FoxNews.com recently asked, “Why are so many Christians biblically illiterate?” This question involves two key issues. First, are Christians (or at least American Christians) really biblically illiterate? Second, if so, what can be done to change the situation? The article notes that 80 percent of Americans believe the Bible is “God’s…

The True Meaning of Love
Love makes the world go ‘round, or so the song goes, but what does the word “love” really mean? There seems to be an awful lot of confusion regarding this word, not only among songwriters but also among politicians and even among the mainstream media. Instead of getting all “feely-touchy” about this word, I suggest we…