Grasping the literary structure of Genesis 2 and seeing how it builds upon the structure of Genesis 1 is key to understanding Moses’ account of creation. With this, I am much indebted to a journal article by Mark Futato that first brought this to my attention.
The Structure of Genesis 1 Genesis 1 is a structural masterpiece. The intentionality Moses gives to crafting it is quite astounding. So, let’s start by looking at the overarching arrangement…
Background Information The creation account begins with two verses of background information to help situate us for the narrative that will follow. Unlike English, Hebrew narrative uses a particular verbal…
One of the most challenging scenarios of the invasive species phenomenon in the US is the heroic battle officials are waging to deter the entrance of Asian carp into the…
One of the most challenging scenarios of the invasive species phenomenon in the US is the heroic battle officials are waging to deter the entrance of Asian carp into the…
Published 12-20-2019 Recently the question “Do you believe in UFOs?” came up in discussion with family members. My affirmative response surprised participants in the conversation. The question was somewhat reminiscent of that…
Published 11-25-2019 Since 1947 when the “flying saucer” craze first impacted public awareness in a significant way, many books and articles have been published, numerous radio and television specials have…
By Dr. Jeff Zweerink (Reasons to Believe) “The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over…
By: Jay W. Richards,; ©May 13, 2005 The more scientifically sophisticated we get, the stronger the argument for intelligent design. Original Article Contents 1 Introduction 2 Victor Victorian 3…
Most science textbooks that address cosmology credit Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson with the discovery that the universe arose from a hot big bang creation event. While it is true…