July News Update

“And He said to them ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15).

When we introduced you to Morgan Jackson, Director of Faith Comes By Hearing, back in 2013, I had no idea what would happen. I didn’t know if you would recognize the need—

  • 5 billion people who have never heard of Jesus, 4,000 languages with no Bible at all,
  • and millions of people who are functionally illiterate—meaning even if they had a Bible in their own language, they would be unable to read it.

Would you care? Would you respond? Would you recognize that this was a golden opportunity for you to fulfill the Great Commission? Would you realize that audio Proclaimers are an inspired way for you to “go and make disciples of all the nations,… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20)?

Well, you answered YES! And throughout this report you will see the numbers—the number of devices you have funded, the number of countries you have reached, the number of people—souls—who are now hearing and responding to the good news of the gospel!

But, while the numbers are thrilling, even more exciting are the testimonies of those people who have heard God’s Word in their own language—many of them for the first time. (In the testimonies below we are withholding locations to protect these precious believers.)

We listen to the Audio Bible daily in our home and with our neighbors. God gives us peace in our home and many blessings despite the pandemic. We are standing firm on His Word, and we have new hope in Christ.” – Mayra

I was worried and anxious about the future and the terrible things happening around the world. I was obsessed with how and when the end of the world would come. One day, I had an opportunity to listen to an audio Bible. God spoke to me through His Word, and I found new hope in Jesus Christ.” – Yash

I cannot read but have learned many Scripture verses thanks to the audio Bible. I find joy in meditation on His Word, and am thankful for the opportunity to grow in a deeper relationship with the Father.” – Taahira

The audio Bible has become my favorite companion and reminds me that I am not alone.” – A widow

A man was desperate to be rid of the evil spirit that possessed and tormented him. Neither the village shaman nor the priests were able to draw the evil spirit out. Then an audio Bible arrived at the local church. When the man heard the word of Jesus spoken in his language, the demon came out of him, and he was set free.”

My friends, this is the result of your giving toward audio Bibles. The audio Bibles you have given have truly gone “into all the world” where they have preached the gospel to millions. Thank you!


On Television This Month


We have been airing a series called “Science Discovers the Universe Had a Beginning” with Dr. Hugh Ross, a PhD graduate from the University of Toronto who did postdoctoral research at Caltech on quasars and galaxies. In these four powerful programs Dr. Ross revealed the scientific evidence that led astronomers to conclude the universe had a beginning, as well as how God has designed the universe in precisely the manner necessary for human life.


Step By Step Through Creation


This month we are also making available a second series with Dr. Ross entitled “Step by Step Through Creation.” The four programs in this series provide the information that will help you reconcile the biblical account of creation with today’s scientific evidence.

You will also hear from Dr. Walter Kaiser, one of the world’s top Hebrew scholars, who will offer detailed explanations of some of the Hebrew words in the creation accounts that are key to better understanding creation.

All the material in these two series, “Science Discovers the Universe Had a Beginning” and “Step by Step Through Creation,” are available on DVD and Blu-ray. In addition, we are offering two study guides that give additional information not included in our television programs. These can also be used to lead a small group study.

Further, we are including a documentary DVD entitled Journey Toward Creation produced by Dr. Ross. The state-of-the-art computer animations will take you through the solar system, stars, galaxies, and even quasars—all the way back to the moment the universe came into existence.

All five of these powerful resources are available together in an exclusive package for you with your gift of $120 or more this month.


Coming Soon on the John Ankerberg Show


Coming up, what is the relationship between the resurrection and near-death experiences? We invited world-renowned resurrection expert Dr. Gary Habermas to explain in the series “Is There Scientific Evidence for Life After Death?

Following that, Dr. William Lane Craig will explain the evidence for the existence of God, and why God’s existence matters. You won’t want to miss those programs in our series, “Does God Exist? Arguments for the Existence of God.

Later in the summer we plan to air a new series we just taped with Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Billy Graham, based on her book “Jesus In Me.” She shares fascinating information about the Holy Spirit, and shares intimate details about how she came to understand and love this Third Person of the Trinity. Be sure to tune in for these programs.


Brothers and Sisters, Pray For Us


In 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Paul says, “Brothers and sisters, pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread quickly. Pray that others will honor it just as you did.” And that is our request as well.

Please continue to pray for our ministry. Pray that we will remain faithful in the face of mounting attacks against the Christian faith. Pray we will not bow to pressure to compromise with the world. Pray for Faith Comes By Hearing, and the challenges they face as they work to bring God’s Word to the world. God has richly blessed both ministries. Pray that we will not take those blessings for granted, nor fail to reach out to a lost and dying world.

Paul offers a final word of encouragement, “But the Lord is faithful. He will strengthen you. He will guard you from the evil one. We trust in the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 3:3-4). Yes, we trust in the Lord!

For those who have yet to hear,

John and Darlene