May News Update

I hope at Easter you were able to thank God for sending His Son into the world to die for our sins and make the gift of salvation available to us. I certainly did. It’s amazing how much historical evidence we have that documents the fact that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, rose from the dead, and appeared to over 500 eyewitnesses.

I wanted you to hear our last two TV programs in which we shared with you a little of the historical evidence via Lee Strobel and Dr. Gary Habermas. The evidence they presented confirms all we believe. If more people would just look at the evidence, I think many would believe in Jesus.

After Jesus’ resurrection, He gathered His disciples together and told them to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creatureGo and make disciples of all the nations.” 

In obedience to what Jesus said, this month we will have Morgan Jackson from Faith Comes By Hearing with us again on our TV program. He is going to ask us to help him provide Audio Bibles for the last 2,000 languages in the world for people who have no Bible in their language and know nothing about Jesus.

Morgan will explain that there are 1.5 billion people who have not heard the gospel and speak one of those 2,000 languages. In the next 10 years we want to help Faith Comes By Hearing bring the gospel to all those people. If we can accomplish that, we will fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave to all of us.   

Faith Comes By Hearing just reported to us that the Ankerberg Donors have provided Audio Bibles that are now reaching an estimated 13,167,070 people in listening groups in 83 countries in 253 different languages. So, God is greatly using your gifts.

We are very pleased to tell you that every device you sponsor during these programs with Morgan Jackson will be matched! If you give for one Audio Bible, a special donor will give a second Audio Bible.

Then we have a special announcement about our program on Vietnam in Southeast Asia. For that program only, if you give one Audio Bible, another donor will give a second Audio Bible, and a third donor will give a third Audio Bible. So if you give toward one Audio Bible for Vietnam, you will really be giving three. 

When you consider that on average about 90 people will hear each device, and about half of those who hear will receive Christ as Savior, that means you have the potential to reach 90-135 people who will become your new brothers and sisters in Christ! What a return on your investment!

But we also want to tell you about some of the other ways the John Ankerberg Show is reaching people for Christ. In fact, as we have told you on television, a part of your gift has helped us support 6 missionary projects we have supported before working with Faith Comes By Hearing. 

First, our television outreach. Many of you watch us on Daystar and God TV where we broadcast into 200 nations each week. 

But we have also been on independent TV stations in Southeast Asia where we broadcast 10 times a week in Hindi, Telegu, and Tamil, as well as English. 

Second, we are also broadcasting on cable in Russia in their language, where we have received some amazing testimonies of people coming to Christ. 

We are also broadcasting in Israel in Hebrew and Russian on the powerful Shalom Station in Israel. We are also televising into Spanish speaking countries and to the 65 million Hispanics in the U.S. 

We also televise our translated programs in Ukraine, Albania, Romania, in South Africa, and Palau. I wish you could read the letters of people that watch. 

Third, I spoke in person at a Pastor’s and media conference in Southeast Asia during the 5 years before COVID, and via Skype during the 3 years of COVID. 

Fourth, we have produced a TV discipleship program for pastors in Southeast Asia that is available on the internet.  It took 4 years to tape 40 half hour discipleship TV programs with two Christians who grew up in Delhi, Southeast Asia. We did it to train pastors in Southeast Asia on how to disciple their own people.

   We have also translated and made available our video Discipleship Course for Pastors and Christian leaders on the Internet in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Finnish, Portuguese, simplified and traditional Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Albanian, Swedish, and Arabic (in process).     

Fifth, we are also helping the largest church in the world. At Easter and Christmas, the pastor has 500,000 people attend his church. His ministry is in a restricted country. I have known him for 9 years and spoken at his church. I would love to have him on our TV program and share all that he is doing with you, but I cannot, because he would be put in jail in his own country if I showed him on TV. 

Since I have known him, he has started 11 more churches of 50,000 each. His goal is to build a total of 50 churches. We are helping him. 

Sixth, we support another ministry that broadcasts to Muslims via satellite daily. This program is broadcast on TV to the 45 Muslim nations each day. As a result, 250,000 Muslims each month call in on toll-free lines to accept Christ. 

Let me end this letter with the good news that our TV ministry is Helping Faith Comes By Hearing and other ministries around the world. Our ministry is getting invitations from TV stations in many foreign countries. We present the gospel and defend the faith with some of the best scholars in the world.  People worldwide have questions about Christianity. Our TV programs answer their questions. If the church does not give them answers, they leave the faith.

We also clearly present the gospel on how to become a Christian. How many times have you seen us give an invitation at the end of one of our programs? 

Morgan Jackson is my dear friend and I love his ministry. We want to continue helping him finish the last 2,000 languages and putting them on Proclaimers. 

The John Ankerberg Show is the only Christian TV ministry that has let Morgan tell people about what he does. If the Lord takes me home, you won’t see Morgan on TV. But I hope the Lord lets me finish the job. 

Up ahead, we are going to share new programs with Dr. Hugh Ross answering questions about our universe, and then later we will bring you programs on Prophecy and Current World Events with other scholars. 

Above all, pray for us and for the ministry. We couldn’t do it without you!


Until the whole world hears,

John and Darlene