May News Update

We thank you so very much for partnering with us. We are very excited about what God is doing as we partner together in ministry. We could not do it without you.

For more than a decade we have been working alongside Morgan Jackson and Faith Comes By Hearing to see the Bible translated into every one of the 7,140 languages of the world, then distributed to those who need to hear.

That’s a lofty goal we admit, and it may seem overwhelming. But, in fact, it is very possible that we can accomplish that goal and have at least some portion of Scripture in every language of the world within the next 10 years!

Part of that goal is the work that Morgan is doing along with multiple translation agencies who have been working tirelessly for many decades putting together a written language where none had previously existed. The agencies went on to produce printed copies of those Scriptures.

But what the traditional translators have recognized is that a significant number of people in these lesser reached or unreached groups are functionally illiterate. Even if a Bible was printed in their language, they would be unable to read it and to learn from it.

Thankfully, a new method of translating languages called “oral-to-oral translation” is now enabling dedicated Christian workers to directly translate Scripture from one language into another without having to create a written alphabet. Instead, the work is done completely orally. This has carved literally decades off the time it has traditionally taken to produce a new translation.

Once those translations are done, either by traditional methods or using the oral-to-oral method, Morgan’s team at Faith Comes By Hearing takes those translated Scriptures, puts together a cast of speakers, and creates audio files of the Bible. These are combined with music and sound effects to create an oral word-for-word Bible in a story form that is especially attractive to illiterate people.

These audio files are then ready to be put on devices, which we call Proclaimers, that have solar panels so they can be used in remote areas where no electricity exists.

Literally whole villages will gather to listen to God’s Word as it is spoken through the black box, in their own heart language. And the response is amazing. As people listen, many invite Christ into their lives and become believers.  Their character is transformed from drunkenness, abuse, and addiction, into people who begin to reflect the character of God.

All that happens because they hear and believe the Word of God which is “alive and active. It is sharper than any double-edged sword, and penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

But the next stage of this project is where you come in. Someone has to provide the funds to produce these Proclaimers. Someone has to pay for the process of loading heart languages onto these devices and sending them out. We have committed, with your help, to providing the funds to accomplish this vital step.

We have been spending time on our TV programs to tell you about what God is doing around the world with those devices which you have already provided. We are thrilled to tell you that as of now, 17,000,521 people in 83 countries, speaking 253 different languages, have been able to hear God’s Word on the Audio Bibles which you have provided.

Even more exciting, an estimated 50% of those people who have heard God speak to them through a Proclaimer for the first time have actually made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. That’s an estimated 8.5 million new members of God’s heavenly family as a direct result of your gifts. Heaven must be rejoicing!

But the need continues. There are still about 2,000 languages and 1.3 billion people who need to hear. That’s why any gift you can give toward an audio Proclaimer is so very important. And right now, we have a special donor who has agreed to match every device you give, device for device.

So, if you give to fund one Proclaimer, two will actually be sent. If you give toward two Proclaimers, four will actually be sent. Since about 90 people will hear each Proclaimer, and about 45 of those will come to Christ, you do the math! The more you can give, the more people will hear about God’s gracious gift, and the more people will put their faith in Him.

Won’t you take a moment to pray about it, then visit our Audio Bible page and give the most generous gift you are able to send?

Millions of people are still without God’s Word. They have never heard the gospel even once. We are very thankful for what you have done, and what you will do to see God’s Word go out.

Till all have heard,

John and Darlene