Evidence of God’s Creation Found in Science

What You’ll Learn

Did you know that astronomy is being used to bring used people to faith in Christ? In a recent program with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross, he shared with me a powerful testimony of a visit to Tokyo’s National Observatory. “Well I got to speak at the National Observatory of Tokyo and half of the astronomers that showed up for my talk told me they were Christians already. Half of the other half had purchased Bibles so that they could become Christians.” Why had they become Christians? The fact that the universe had a beginning and shows evidence of intricate design fits the claims of the Bible’s creation account. God’s word offers the only adequate explanation for the universe’s design.

Ankerberg Minute
Ankerberg Minute
The John Ankerberg Show

The Ankerberg Minute airs nearly 700 times daily nationwide and provides quick answers from apologetics expert Dr. John Ankerberg. The Ankerberg Minute will boost your understanding of hundreds of key issues of the Christian faith including your daily Christian walk, the reliability of the Bible and what God is like.