Jesus Is the Door

Have you ever lost the keys to your car or your home? When this happens, we feel stuck and without hope. In John 10:9, Jesus said He is the door. To enter His door and live with Him, we don’t need to search for a key. We only need to follow His voice. He has given us the way of salvation by believing in Him as Lord. He has also given us the power to live an abundant life, through His Spirit living within us today. We need not doubt or fear God will let us in His door to heaven after this life. We only need to trust in Christ and Christ alone for salvation.

Ankerberg Minute
Ankerberg Minute
The John Ankerberg Show

The Ankerberg Minute airs nearly 700 times daily nationwide and provides quick answers from apologetics expert Dr. John Ankerberg. The Ankerberg Minute will boost your understanding of hundreds of key issues of the Christian faith including your daily Christian walk, the reliability of the Bible and what God is like.