What relevance do the genealogies of Jesus have for believers today? We’ve all done it. We open our Bible to Matthew 1 and settle down to begin our reading plan…
Most commentators suggest that these words were not included in the model prayer given by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Albert Mohler explains, “As a result of studying ancient manuscripts, scholars now believe with some certainty that these words were probably a later addition to the Lord’s Prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer seems to end rather abruptly, Christians in the early church added a doxology to the end of the prayer so as to give God the final word of praise in corporate worship settings.”[1]
Day 1 – Psalm 7:17
Day 2 – Psalm 28:6-7
Day 3 – Psalm 30:4-5
Day 4 – Psalm 57:9-10
Day 5 – Psalm 86:5-7
Day 6 – Psalm 89:1-2
Day 7 – Psalm 92:1-2
Conclusion: A Song of Thanksgiving – Psalm 100 (Amplified Bible) Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; Come before His presence with…