Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Beneficial and Worrisome Infectious Agents

By Jim Virkler / March 8, 2020

Published 3-8-2020 What’s new at the start of the 21st century’s third decade? The coronavirus COVID-19 has thrown the world into a state of fear. There may be some justification…

Food Web Wonders

By Jim Virkler / February 28, 2020

Published 2-28-2020 The Old Testament books of Psalms and Job supply many descriptive references on wonders of the inanimate and animate physical creation. Psalm 8 speaks of the majesty of…

Feeding the Mammals

By Jim Virkler / February 18, 2020

Published 2-18-2020 Don’t feed the mammals? Imagine seeing a similar warning sign in a village, county, state, or national park! People may scratch their heads and wonder: Why not just…

Feeding the Birds

By Jim Virkler / February 10, 2020

Published 2-10-2020 Bird feeders have supplied joy for thousands of bird lovers anxious to observe birds at close range. Birds are a wonderful biological class—a superb category of living creatures…

Dual Reality

By Jim Virkler / January 30, 2020

Published 1-30-2020 Our current series of posts has concluded that UAPs are real. They were commonly called UFOs in the 1950s by early writers and investigators such as Marine Corp officer…

Natural, Supernatural, Preternatural, or Paranormal?

By Jim Virkler / January 22, 2020

Published 1-22-2020 When I was a freshman at Rutgers University, I was assigned to John Ciardi (1916-1986) as my English Composition instructor. He was an eminent scholar, a poet/translator who…

Dichotomy in Supernatural Realms

By Jim Virkler / January 9, 2020

Published 1-9-2020 Over many years our posts have primarily focused on the wonders of the natural world and the manner in which the natural world points to the reality of a divine…

Dimensionality Musings

By Jim Virkler / January 2, 2020

Published 1-2-2020 Scripture unambiguously states that the universe had a beginning: its dimensions of length, height, width, its dimension of time, and the origin of all matter and energy. Physical…

The Malevolent Paranormal

By Jim Virkler / December 28, 2019

Published 12-28-2019 Malevolent is not a term to inspire cheer or comfort. A close synonym is sinister. More positive antonyms for both terms are pleasant, good. Unidentified objects in our skies have generated considerable consternation…

Demonology and the UAP/UFO Connection

By Jim Virkler / December 20, 2019

Published 12-20-2019 Recently the question “Do you believe in UFOs?” came up in discussion with family members. My affirmative response surprised participants in the conversation. The question was somewhat reminiscent of that…

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