
What does living as a “Christ follower” mean for your everyday life?

The Communion of Saints

By R. L. Wilson | April 13, 2020

As I write this article the world is dealing with the coronavirus and social distancing. One result is that church services have been cancelled and/or moved online. How do we…

God On the Mountain

By JA Show Staff | March 20, 2020

The first time I heard the song “God on the Mountain” was on a Gaither album, sung by Lynda Randle. The words spoke to me in a time when I…

Is Believing in God Enough?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff | March 16, 2020

James’ epistle has always been considered a very practical approach to our faith. He still affirms that we are saved by faith alone, but if works are not coming in response to our faith, it is a dead faith. It is important to understand that James and Paul are not in conflict with each other.

Praying for Others (Intercessory Prayer)

By R. L. Wilson | March 9, 2020

Every few months I get a message from a friend in India: “This is just a quick note to tell you that your names came up in my prayer diary…

Learning to Pray Using Scripture

By R. L. Wilson | March 9, 2020

Recently I was “assigned” the task of writing one or more articles about prayer. That’s a painful way to discover just how bad your prayer life is! But let me…

Prayers that Pierce the Ceiling

By JA Show Staff | February 18, 2020

If you’re like me, you often have those times when your prayers don’t seem to be going anywhere. You feel like you’re just wasting your time, because it doesn’t seem like anyone (Anyone?) is listening. There may be a relatively “simple” fix to the problem.

5 Ways to Renew Your Walk with God

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | December 31, 2019

Do you need to renew your walk with God? You’re not alone. We often need times of refreshing from the Lord. We know He is the source of our strength,…

Local Chattanooga Artist Depicts Light In the Darkness

By R. L. Wilson | December 18, 2019

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a Witness to the light.

Caring for a Depressed Friend

By JA Show Staff | December 18, 2019

I sat with a friend yesterday who, in my decidedly unprofessional opinion, is suffering from depression. Only she doesn’t seem to think that’s what’s wrong. Still, she checks off most…

In Everything Give Thanks

By R. L. Wilson | November 26, 2019

1 Thessalonians 5:18 is a challenge to all of us. How do we give thanks “in everything”? Some situations just don’t seem to lend themselves to a thankful spirit. Still, if God has told us to do it, He must have provided us something for which to be thankful. Right?

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