UFOs and the Possibility of Life on Other Planets – Part 1
The question as to whether there is extraterrestrial life in the universe has been debated from the beginning of recorded history. There are even records from the fifth century before Christ indicating man’s interest in the subject.[1] Democritus (460-370 BC), Epicurus (341-270 BC), and Lucretius (98-54 BC), for example, believed there were other worlds inhabited…

Are UFOs Mentioned in the Bible? – Part 2
Are UFOs Mention in the Bible? The suggestion that UFOs are in the Bible is preposterous. In every case discussed above [see Part 1], UFOlogists are reading their own meanings into the biblical text (eisegesis) rather than drawing their meanings from the biblical text (exegesis). Here is an interpretive principle you can bank on: When…

Are UFOs Mentioned in the Bible? – Part 1
On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was…

Answers to Common Questions About Angels
Are angels the spirits of departed humans? No. Scripture teaches that Christ Himself created all the angels (Colossians 1:16; see also John 1:3). One moment, they didn’t exist. The next moment they did. Humans and angels are seen to be distinct throughout Scripture. For example, Psalm 8:5 indicates that human beings were made lower than…

The Character Assassination of God
One strategy atheists and skeptics sometimes use is to bring up points that they think make God look very bad, and then proceed to argue that such a God cannot possibly exist. For example, some argue that the God of the Old Testament is cruel and vindictive, and either participated in or condoned many atrocities.…

Christian Views of War – Part 2
Note: In Part 1, Dr. Rhodes explained three different views of war. They are: Activism, the view that citizens should participate in all wars in obedience to their government; Pacifism, the view that war and killing is always wrong; and Selectivism, the view that some wars are just, and others are unjust. He continues this…

Christian Views of War – Part 1
At the time of this writing, Russia has invaded Ukraine, and there is now talk of World War 3. Current events have caused many Christians to seek a biblical understanding of war. As Christians give thoughtful consideration to this issue, they often come to different conclusions. What are the Christian views of war? Among the…

Are the Gnostic Gospels Reliable Documents?
New Agers have long claimed the Gnostic gospels are the true Scriptures. Pop-fiction writers such as Dan Brown claim the same. Some liberal Christian scholars give high credence to these so-called “gospels.” In what follows, I will demonstrate why they are false gospels. Christians have been concerned about false gospels since the early years of…

In a Better Place
Last week two men in my circle died. The first was a 57-year-old husband and father of four. The other was a 71-year-old husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. I have no doubt that over the next few weeks the families of both men will comfort themselves and their loved ones by saying they are “in…

National Day of Prayer 2022
Even before America became an independent nation, it set aside special days of prayer. Its people knew that their future depended on the Lord’s gracious intervention. As Scripture says, it is God who “makes nations great, and destroys them; [who] enlarges nations, and disperses them” (Job 12:23). It was the early Americans’ conviction in God’s…