3 Reasons to Live Like Jesus Could Come Today
Could Jesus really return for believers today? The Bible teaches this view, yet many people have voiced doubts concerning this belief. What does the Bible teach about our attitude to Christ’s coming?

Elohim – The Strong and Mighty One
“In the beginning, God [Elohim] created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1
Elohim is the first name God reveals for Himself in the Bible. It is based on a root word that means “strong” or “mighty”. The same word is used other times in the Bible to refer to pagan gods, to angelic beings, or to human rulers. A few examples:

Responding to Those Who Leave the Faith
A former writer for Desiring God ministries has renounced his faith. Paul Maxwell, a former philosophy professor at Moody Bible Institute, made the announcement on his Instagram feed that he was no longer a Christian, The Christian Post reports.

Knowing God by His Names
When you think about God, what comes to your mind? Is He a grandfatherly figure who indulges the least little whim of His grandchildren?

Our Nation is at a Crossroads: Fewer Than Half of Americans Belong to a Local Church
For the first time since the 1930s, fewer than half of Americans belong to a church or other house of worship, according to a new Gallup report. They found just 47 percent of Americans hold an official membership, down from 70 percent in the 1990s.

Walking on Water
Last week I wrote a rather lighthearted piece about anxiety in the face of natural disasters (Why Worry?). While I fully believe all God’s promises that I quoted in that piece, I was reminded over the weekend that we face things far more painful, far more devastating than tornadoes. You see, a dear friend has just put her husband of nearly 50 years under hospice care.

A Proper Concept of God
One thing working at a Christian apologetics[1] ministry for nearly 40 years has taught me is that your idea of who God is, what He is like, is very important.

Why Worry?
As a child I used to sing the gospel chorus, “Why worry, when you can pray? Trust Jesus, He will be your stay. Don’t be a doubting Thomas, lean fully on His promise, Why worry, worry, worry, worry when you can pray?”

God and Government: Does the Lord Care About Legislation?
Congressman Jerry Nadler recently stated during a House debate regarding the Equality Act that “God’s will is no concern of this Congress.” Is this true? Does God care about the laws of our nation?

Hunting for Bear
Earlier today my sisters and I visited Cades Cove in the Smoky Mountain National Park. In all the times we’ve been there (a lot!), one sister, Anna, has NEVER seen a bear! I have, my other sister has, all my sister’s friends have (they tell her), but she has never seen a bear in Cades…