Why Did Jesus Enter Jerusalem on a Donkey?
Have you ever wondered why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why didn’t He ride in on a horse? Or why didn’t He simply walk like He does everywhere else in the Gospels?

Approach God with Confidence
In his book Jesus the King, Tim Keller describes the elaborate preparations the high priest had to make before he was able to go into the holy of holies to offer the required sacrifices on the mercy seat to atone for the sins of the people.

Is It Our Fault When God Feels Distant?
I recently heard a minister say that if God doesn’t feel close to us, it’s our fault. Is this true? Not according to Job.

“It Is Finished”
“It is finished!” (John 19:30). One of the most powerful statements in all of Scripture. This statement (a single word in Greek) was Jesus’ last proclamation from the cross.

Paradise: Where Did Jesus Go After His Resurrection Appearances?
Many emphasize the resurrection of Jesus, but few discuss what happened after His appearances. Where did Jesus go?

Blessed are the Persecuted
How many times have you heard a Christian in the United States say they are being persecuted? …

Post Resurrection: The Appearances of Jesus
Easter only exists if Jesus literally appeared again after His death. The Bible speaks of Jesus dying on the cross on Preparation Day …

If Easter is the Answer, What Was the Problem?
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.’…