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How Will Church Change After the Coronavirus?

The coronavirus pandemic has altered much of life, including life within the church. A year ago, who would have believed nearly every church would only offer livestream services or shut down completely? How Will Church Change After the Coronavirus Two weeks ago, I gave the sermon at my own church. We could not have more…


The Tomb Was Empty

In our current series with Dr. Gary Habermas, he lists 12 facts about Jesus that are accepted by more than 90 percent of even skeptical scholars. One fact that is not on that list is the empty tomb. However, as Dr. Habermas explains, that is not because there is not compelling evidence. In fact, he…


Prophetic Signs of the Times: Is this the Beginning of the End?

The current coronavirus pandemic has the entire world on edge! Many are asking: Is this the judgment of God? Is it the beginning of the Great Tribulation? Will it lead to the end of the world as we know it? Is this a sign of Christ’s soon return? Opinions on these matters are flying all…


One Holy, Catholic Church

“The church is not where we meet or what we do; it is who we are!”

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The Resurrection: Accurately Recorded and Reported

Skeptics of the resurrection of Jesus typically attack two key areas: the accurate recording of the New Testament accounts and the accurate reporting of these accounts. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at these two areas to show the evidence strongly supports the traditional beliefs of Christianity.


Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

As we approach Easter, you will no doubt hear news reports suggesting that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross 2,000 years ago. Some will suggest that someone else—a lookalike—died, and the disciples only thought it was Jesus.  Others will suggest that Jesus did not actually die. Instead, He “swooned”—lost consciousness, fainted, passed out—and was…

A Comparison of Ancient Works with the New Testament

A Comparison of Ancient Works with the New Testament


The Resurrection: Accurately Recorded and Reported

Skeptics of the resurrection of Jesus typically attack two key areas: the accurate recording of the New Testament accounts and the accurate reporting of these accounts. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at these two areas to show the evidence strongly supports the traditional beliefs of Christianity. What are the facts about the…

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I Believe in the Holy Spirit

Okay, why do some version of the Creed say Holy Ghost and others say Holy Spirit? Donald Cole explains, “In the Apostles’ Creed, the term is ‘Holy Ghost,’ but ghost is an Anglo-Saxon word, now considered archaic. Holy Spirit is correct.”[1] The important thing we need to address in this article is that the Holy Spirit is fully a…


I Believe in Jesus… The Coming Judge

The final phrase in the Apostles’ Creed section about Jesus is that He is “coming to judge the quick and the dead.” Quick could refer to those who are still living when He comes, or it could also refer to those who are spiritually alive—those who have accepted Jesus as their savior. Likewise, the dead…