February News Update

Our nation has faced tremendous difficulties in recent days. Many of us have faced struggles personally as well. What is the answer? Our solution is not our government, economy, or even a vaccine. Our hope is found in God.

This month, I want to turn our attention to the important question, “Where is God when life hurts?” To answer, I’ve turned to two Christian friends who have experienced tremendous pain, yet have found strength through the power of the Lord.

Joni Eareckson Tada has been in a wheelchair since an accident left her a quadriplegic at the age of 17. She has endured much hurt, survived cancer, and has recently recovered from COVID-19. Yet Joni is also the founder of Joni and Friends, the author of dozens of books, and host of a nationwide radio program.

Dr. Michael Easley served as President of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, yet was forced to resign after experiencing back pain that threatened his life. He has faced several serious surgeries, and now lives with several inches of metal rods in this back. Today, Michael continues to serve in pastoral ministry, impacting many through his teachings in his church and globally through his media ministry.

In our series “Where Is God When Life Hurts?” we’ll discuss the ways my two friends have faced pain, yet have found God’s strength to endure. Their stories will bring you hope in the midst of our world’s pandemic that will encourage you in a special way.


Our Resources This Month


This month, you can receive these encouraging programs for your spiritual growth. All five programs are available on DVD upon request.

Second, we are making available our series “God’s Help When You Suffer” on DVD upon your request.

Third, you may wish to request your copy of our series “God’s Encouragement for Caregivers” on DVD. In this series, Joni’s husband Ken and Michael’s wife Cindy share insights for caregivers. Please see the enclosed card for details.


You Are Changing Eternity!


Last month, I was pleased to announce our partnership together has now reached more than 5 million people in audio Bible listening groups worldwide. This incredible milestone is changing lives of people speaking more than 77 languages in over 40 nations.

Today, I’m excited to report your gifts have helped provide audio Bibles for an additional 300,000 people since my last letter to you! That is over 5.3 million total people who are listening to the Bible each week in a listening group.

Approximately half of those involved in each listening group come to faith in Christ. This means you have helped us bring 150,000 new people to faith in Christ in the last month! In total, 2.65 million people have come to know the Lord. To God be the glory.

Please continue to pray for our outreach together to bring God’s Word to the world. You can still get involved in this spiritual awakening through your gifts today. See the enclosed card for details.


Become a Prayer Warrior


We often talk about prayer, but we also neglect praying in our daily lives. However, I’m convinced prayer is not what we do when nothing else works—prayer is the work!

Did you know we have a team of prayer warriors interceding for the needs of our friends like you each day? Hundreds of our ministry friends are regularly involved in asking God to answer the requests of those who contact us.

I want to challenge you to become part of our team of prayer warriors. To do so, follow this link: https://jashow.org/articles/prayer-warrior/ 

Also, you can share your own prayer needs with us at any time. At the same Community tab on our website, select “Need prayer?” and share your request. Our team will lift up your request, offering spiritual support during your time of need.


Coming Soon to The John Ankerberg Show


Our culture increasingly considers biblical faith an expression of bigotry or hatred, yet resorts to shaming others to enforce their own views. How can we live out our values without being intimidated into silence?

Dr. Erwin Lutzer is pastor emeritus of the Moody Church in Chicago, where he served for 36 years. His radio programs are heard on more than 750 stations nationwide, and he is the author of numerous bestselling books that have impacted today’s church.

He will soon join me for a series on this topic based on his book We Will Not Be Silenced. He provides hope for speaking the truth in love, and showing compassion without resorting to complacency.

Dr. David Jeremiah’s foreword to this book states, “God has brought us to this cultural moment, and our future cannot be taken for granted. As has been said, ‘In a time of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’”

This topic is vital as we face the issues in today’s culture. I encourage you to pray for us as we prepare to bring you these new programs in the days ahead.


Serving Together Through the Storm


            When businesses, schools, and churches began to shut down in the spring of 2020, no one knew the extent of the pandemic we would face. Many of you have lost loved ones, experienced sickness, or have endured the loss of employment.

I want you to know I care about what you are facing right now. This unprecedented time in our world may be a surprise to us, but God remains in control. This is not a time to give up, but a moment to press forward to fulfill the calling God has given us as individuals and as we minister together.

It has deeply touched me to see you and many of our other ministry friends give so generously during these difficult times. I’m reminded of the words of C.T. Studd, “Only one life, will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

As we continue to face the challenges of 2021, let’s encourage one another to focus on “what’s done for Christ” that will last for eternity. We do not place our hope in this world; we trust in a Savior who has redeemed us from the sin of this world and offers us the promise of eternal life.

That’s why we continue to focus on reaching the unreached when others fall back. It’s why I challenge you to keep praying and giving to bring God’s Word to our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in closed countries where we could never travel. And it’s why I pray for you each day, asking the Lord to bless you as you seek to fulfill His will in your life.

We are serving in this storm together. I love the words of Galatians 6:9, “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Please know we pray for you and your family each day. If you have any prayer requests, please let us know, and our team will lift up your needs to God as we serve the Lord at this vital time.


For those who have yet to hear,

John and Darlene