January News Update

It is, and has been, a real honor to co-labor with you in reaching people for Jesus this last year. I count you as among the “rare breed” of friends we have so that our TV ministry can present and defend the faith and lead folks to Christ.

I am also very humbled by your extraordinary passion to reach people for Christ in other countries who have never heard about Jesus, never had a Bible, and have never had the chance to know God personally.

I know many of you have sacrificially given to provide Audio Bibles to reach these people overseas. Thank you for all you have done. I want you to know that as of December 10th, God has used your gifts to reach 8,128,715 people in 45 nations, speaking 251 languages. These people are now in listening groups, regularly interacting with God’s Word.


Region                       Nations                     Languages                 People reached

Africa                            13 countries                73 languages              1,788,192

Southeast Asia            6 countries                 19 languages             988,920

Asia Pacific                  11 countries               53 languages              1,285,286

Central America           8 countries               84 languages              1,515,481

Eurasia/Middle East   4 countries               9 languages                252,694

South Asia                      3 countries               13 languages             1,741,935

Bidi Bidi Camp              Uganda                     multiple                      103,074


This would not have happened without your gifts and prayers. I am honored to be your friend!

Please pray for these 8 million people who are now in listening groups, listening to God’s Word for at least 30 minutes a week, followed by an hour discussion. Every 6 months they will listen to the whole New Testament, and in a year they will listen to it twice.

Worldwide statistics tell us that about half of the people in these listening groups, or about 4 million people, have come to faith in Christ as a result of listening to the Audio Bibles you have provided. Many of these new brothers and sisters in Christ are living in areas where missionaries cannot go. But God’s Word is reaching them and changing their hearts.


On television this month


This month, Morgan Jackson, the Director of Faith Comes by Hearing will report on how your gifts are changing lives in different nations and regions of the world through the Audio Bibles you have given.

Of the 8,128,715 people in listening groups, about half are like Francine from Africa who shared how listening to God’s Word changed her life.

“I have been a deceiver all my life. Everything I did was to gain the favor of others, and in doing so, I compromised my morals and beliefs. But then I started attending an Audio Bible listening group and realized that I could not continue to live as I was, and still please God. Romans 12:9-10 inspired me to change my ways.

“Following His Word, I renounced hypocrisy and committed my life to Jesus. Today I am a new creation. I do not live to please men but rather my heavenly Father.”

God tells us in Isaiah 55:11 that “My word … will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” We are seeing individuals and families completely changed. They are changing from murderers, adulterers, polygamists, and thieves into new creatures in Christ who are humble, honest, and willing to help others.


 Coming in January—The Case for The Rapture


We will close out the month of January with the evidence for the rapture. We call it “The Biblical Case for the Rapture of All Christians.”

 My guests for these programs will be Dr. Ed Hindson, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Dr. Ron Rhodes. They will explain the biblical evidence for when the rapture will take place; who will be taken at the rapture; and the evidence for Jesus’ imminent return—that it could happen at any moment.

These three programs are available on DVD for $49. In addition, we are offering a second series entitled “The 5 Great Debates of The End Times,” available on DVD for $49. Along with them we are also offering our new book entitled “The Most Asked Prophecy Questions.” This 121-page book is available for a gift of $15. All three items, the 2 DVDs plus the book, are available for a gift of $100.


Anne Graham Lotz and Her Daughter


We have some extremely exciting new programs that you will see this year. So many in our audience enjoyed our programs with Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. So, we invited her back. This time, her daughter Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright will be with her. They will talk about how we as moms and dads must model how to be Jesus Followers to our children, so they will learn how to do it, and then teach their children how to follow Jesus. They have written a great new book called “Jesus Followers” that they will be talking about.


Lee Strobel – “The Case for Miracles”


We have also taped a new series with Lee Strobel, former atheist and legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, on his book, “The Case for Miracles.” This series is interesting and full of evidence that Jesus still does miracles today. It will be a great series for those who doubt miracles happen.


Let me say a word about other friends. Sadly, last year we lost many close friends and supporters not only to COVID, but also through other causes. I’ll mention just two:

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung was a dear friend. He was a guest on our prophecy programs many times through the years. He was one of our most popular scholars as he shared his love and knowledge of end-times and prophecy. He was a stalwart defender of the Scriptures, and never wavered from the pre-tribulation view of the rapture.

We were also sad to hear of the passing of Marcus Lamb, President and Founder of the Daystar Television Network. We have been with Marcus and Joni from the very start of their network. The John Ankerberg Show was one of the first shows aired on Daystar. So, Darlene and I thank God for Marcus’ vision to use the network to reach the world with the gospel. He will be greatly missed.

But his legacy will live on for as long as the Lord tarries.

May I challenge you to consider what your legacy for the Lord will be when you are gone? I’ve enclosed a precious story of how one woman’s legacy changed the John Ankerberg Show and impacted millions for the Lord.


Entering the New Year with Confidence


This new year, as believers in Jesus, our focus should not be on what is going on around us, but rather on the precious promises God has given us.

For example, God tells us in Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” So be encouraged!

This year, Darlene and I look forward to working with you to hopefully reach two million more people who have never heard about Jesus.


For those who have yet to hear,

John and Darlene Ankerberg