July News Update

I want to thank you again for your gracious help in providing Audio Bibles to people who have never heard the gospel. I thank God for all you have done. People continue to get saved listening to the Bible in their language. Look at these astonishing numbers of people God has reached as a result of your gifts.


Here Is What Your Gifts Have Accomplished


God has used your gifts so that as of this moment 10,337,672 people are in listening groups, in 46 nations, listening to the Bible in 253 different languages.  

Since these 10 million people are in listening groups each week, we have been told that at least half, or 5,169,236 million people, have become new believers in Jesus. I think you would agree that is a lot of people. That is why I believe God is behind our efforts. Only He could bring such results.

But you share in the rewards God promises He will give to those who have made this possible. Thank you very much for what you have done.

God’s Word tells us, “So neither he who plants, nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor” (1 Corinthians 3:7, 8).

“But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your charitable giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you(Matthew 6:3,4).


Worldwide Outreach


Now I want to convey some vital information that I hope to tell you more about in the future.

First, did you know that the John Ankerberg Show can be seen or heard in nearly every country in the world? It’s true. Many of these countries broadcast our program in English, but in some countries the program is translated into the local language of the people. We even broadcast into places which are closed to any traditional missionary work.

For example, we have been broadcasting across Russia in the Russian language for more than eight years. At the same time, we have also been broadcasting across Ukraine in their language. So, the war with Russia has touched the lives of many of our friends in both of those nations.

Then about nine years ago Darlene and I flew to Southeast Asia where I spoke at a pastors’ conference. I also wanted to meet the owners of four TV networks that broadcast across Southeast Asia in Hindi, Telegu, Tamil, and English to see if they would air our TV broadcasts.

They surprised me by saying yes. But I came to realize that their prices for airtime were about the same as some of our stations here in America. The same was true for Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ukraine, Russia, and Romania. In fear and trembling we took television stations in all of these stations as a missionary endeavor.

As a result, God has used many of you to help us present and defend the Christian faith in these countries. But, right now, we face another challenge.  We’ve been offered time on a Spanish television network that reaches 67 million Hispanics right here in America, and 50 million Spanish speakers in Colombia, South America.

 Then out of the blue, a few days ago we were offered airtime on stations in 17 other Spanish-speaking nations in Central and South America that reach close to 500 million people. By faith we have taken these networks beginning November 2. Now we must translate our TV programs into Spanish. Please pray that God will provide and lead us.

We also have a worldwide website, jashow.org, where people can watch our weekly programs, participate in our Discipleship Course, or read any of the thousands of articles we have posted through the years.

I’m telling you this for two reasons. First, we are honored to be a voice for the gospel in places where Christianity is a minority, often a persecuted minority. But because we have a voice there, we can encourage Christians to live out their faith in the strength of a powerful God. We can come alongside national pastors and teachers to help them grow in their faith so they in turn can teach others.

So that leads me to two prayer requests. First, please pray that we will strongly present and defend the faith so that many will accept Christ.

Second, it costs a lot of money to place our TV programs on stations in these countries. We do not ask for help from the local people because they have so little. So this is a missionary effort, and the money must come from elsewhere.

I am asking you to pray that God would graciously open hearts of those who share our passion to reach millions of people overseas and would be willing to partner with us in this outreach. Remember, in Scripture Jesus commanded us to go and preach the gospel to every creature.


Upcoming TV Series


During the month of July, I want you to hear from my friend Dr. Erwin Lutzer, who was the pastor of Moody Church in Chicago for 36 years. He will tell you “How You Can Be Certain That You Will Spend Eternity with God.”

We all know we are going to die someday. That is a fact. But where will you, where will your loved ones, spend eternity? If you aren’t sure yourself—if you have doubts about your own salvation—or have unsaved friends who don’t know, please invite them to listen to Dr. Lutzer’s programs. He will clearly explain how someone can know for sure that they will spend eternity with God.

And finally, we thank God for you. We know that you are an important part of our ministry. We could not do what we do if we did not have you and others standing behind us, supporting us with your prayers and gifts.

Please know that my staff meets regularly to pray for you, so please let us know if you have needs or concerns you would like us to lift up to our loving Father on your behalf.


For those who are waiting to hear,

John and Darlene