May News Update

Do you know what happens when we give an Audio Bible, or BibleStick, or micro-SD card to people? First, we are obeying Jesus who commanded us:

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Second, lives are changed for eternity! Men and women who have lost hope suddenly find a reason to go on. Those who are caught in the stranglehold of addiction are set free. Children who have been abandoned by family find a new place in the Family of God.

Each one of these changes comes about because you, and other donors like you, have answered God’s call to share His Good News with others. God is pleased and we cannot thank you enough for what you have done.

We have often quoted the Apostle Paul, and you I want you to hear it again: Paul tells us in Romans 10:14-15:

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”

I clearly recall on a trip to Africa years ago, seeing an evangelist who walked for miles every day in his bare feet. His feet were scarred and heavily calloused, but I couldn’t help but think of those verses—in God’s eyes those gnarled feet were beautiful, because every wound came about as he carried the gospel to his fellow countrymen. For him, every painful step was worth it.




For almost 2 months the whole world has been watching the war started by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As cities in the Ukraine have been battered by Russian airstrikes killing many civilians, over 3.6 million Ukrainian people have fled their country, mostly through Poland, but also through Romania, Moldova, Hungary, and Slovakia.

Many women have fled with their children, tearfully leaving behind their husbands to fight for their country. Our phones have been flooded with people asking us if we will be sending Audio Bibles to people and soldiers in the Ukraine. The answer is yes. On TV I will soon be telling you about how together we will be sending special help to the Ukraine.


Faith Comes By Hearing


As you know, we have been working with Faith Comes By Hearing for nearly 10 years now, in an effort to make the Bible available in each of the 7,140 languages of the world.

So how are we doing?

As of the last report, as a result of your giving toward Audio Bibles, there are 9,375,781 people in listening groups, regularly interacting with God’s Word and this is happening in 46 countries in 253 languages. Please pray for this continued outreach.

But we will also be taking you to other regions of the world where God has used your gifts in a great way. Let me share the story of just one of those people:

Gabriela lives in a dump in Mexico. She worried about the future for her son, who lives in the dump with her. One day, a local believer shared an Audio Bible with Gabriela and her son. Gabriela listened and heard about this Jesus, who spent time with the poor. She couldn’t believe that the God of the universe could love people like her. As she listened, Gabriela accepted Jesus as her Savior. Today she listens to the Audio Bible regularly, and no longer worries about her child’s future. She knows that God will provide for him.

Statistically, we know that roughly half of the people who hear an Audio Bible come to saving faith in Christ, just like Gabriela did. We have roughly 4.7 million new brothers and sisters around the world as a direct result of hearing God speak to them in their own language, many for the very first time.


Your Donation – Matched


Faith Comes By Hearing has a donor who loves the John Ankerberg Show, and he has pledged that for every audio device you donate, he will donate one as well!  That means the impact of your gift is also doubled! When you give one Proclaimer, it reaches about 90 people, of whom about 45 will come to faith in Christ. When his device is added, your gift will reach about 180 people and result in about 90 people coming to faith in Christ. Your donation truly is an investment in the eternal lives of the unreached around the world!

Please visit our audio Bible donation page which details the types of devices you can donate. Pray about what God wants you to give toward providing His Word.


Jesus Followers


Coming up next month, we will begin a new series featuring Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright. They have written a book together called “Jesus Followers: Real-Life Lessons for Igniting Faith in the Next Generation.” You will laugh and cry with them as they tell stories from their own lives explaining, first, how their parents and grandparents passed on the legacy of faith to them, and then how they are passing the faith along to their own children as well as to others.


Coming Soon


Later this year we will be airing programs with Dr. Stephen Meyer, the co-founder of the Intelligent Design movement. He will be telling you about three discoveries in science that point unmistakably to an Intelligent Designer behind our universe.

We will also be taping a new series with Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, based on his new book, “The Case for Heaven.” What is the evidence for life after death?


A Word of Encouragement


It would be easy to be discouraged as we listen to the news and hear about wars, earthquakes, famine, and so many other troubles going on around us. But we have a sure word from our Father: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world (John 16:33).

So, take courage my friend, and trust in our Father who holds our future in His hand. And His grip is sure.

Finally, please remember that our staff regularly prays for you and for others who write to us, so if you have prayer needs, please let us know.

Once again, I want to thank you for what you are doing for us, and for those who still need to hear the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.


For those still waiting to hear,

John and Darlene