Defense of Jesus

The Empty Tomb

By Carey Dean / March 22, 2022

he defeat of sin and death. Remove the empty tomb from the gospel, and the storyline becomes a senseless death and an incomplete resurrection. But with the stone rolled away, the cross and the resurrection of Jesus are proven true and efficacious.

Commonly Misunderstood Verses About Jesus

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / August 23, 2021

What are the commonly misunderstood verses about Jesus? Some Bible verses are not as easy to understand as others. Peter once said of the apostle Paul, “His letters contain some…

Why Did Jesus Enter Jerusalem on a Donkey?

By Jeff Pallansch / March 16, 2021

Have you ever wondered why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why didn’t He ride in on a horse? Or why didn’t He simply walk like He does everywhere else in the Gospels?

The Genealogies of Jesus

By R. L. Wilson / November 10, 2020

What relevance do the genealogies of Jesus have for believers today? We’ve all done it. We open our Bible to Matthew 1 and settle down to begin our reading plan…

Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

By R. L. Wilson / April 1, 2020

As we approach Easter, you will no doubt hear news reports suggesting that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross 2,000 years ago. Some will suggest that someone else—a lookalike—died,…

Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul Teach the Same Gospel?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 20, 2019

Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul teach the same gospel? Some religious scholars have argued the apostle Paul presented a gospel that was different from the message of Jesus. Is…

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