“Let us mark what kind of Being the Redeemer of mankind must needs be, in order to provide eternal redemption for sinners. If no one less than the Eternal God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, could take away the sin of the world, sin must be a far more abominable thing in the sight of God than most men suppose.”[1]
“It is Christ alone who supplies all the spiritual needs of all believers.”[1] Does that ring true to you? Do you find yourself entirely satisfied spiritually in Christ, or are…
We just don’t know a lot about Mary, the young woman who would become the mother of Jesus. We assume from historical records that she was fairly young, perhaps 14 or 15 years old, since that was the age when most young girls became engaged.
Most commentators suggest that these words were not included in the model prayer given by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Albert Mohler explains, “As a result of studying ancient manuscripts, scholars now believe with some certainty that these words were probably a later addition to the Lord’s Prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer seems to end rather abruptly, Christians in the early church added a doxology to the end of the prayer so as to give God the final word of praise in corporate worship settings.”[1]
Conclusion: A Song of Thanksgiving – Psalm 100 (Amplified Bible) Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; Come before His presence with…
Day 1 – Psalm 7:17
Day 2 – Psalm 28:6-7
Day 3 – Psalm 30:4-5
Day 4 – Psalm 57:9-10
Day 5 – Psalm 86:5-7