Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Can be Grieved

By R. L. Wilson / March 22, 2022

Francis Chan comments, “For a long time whenever I read that we are not to grieve the Holy Spirit (Isa. 63:10; Eph. 4:30), I thought that was a bit of…

The Helper

By R. L. Wilson / February 7, 2022

I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently reading and researching for my upcoming series on the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit. One of the books I’m reading is Elmer Towns’ excellent book, The Ultimate Guide to the Names of God. It is chock full of great thoughts. Three of Dr. Towns books have been combined into this Ultimate Guide: My Father’s Name, The Names of Jesus, and The Names of The Holy Spirit.

El Elyon – The Most High God

By R. L. Wilson / May 27, 2021

We learn of the name El Elyon in Genesis 14. The chapter opens with 9 kings engaging in battle—four against five. These are kings of city-states, meaning “each man was like the mayor of a great city, ruling over those within his walled city as well as those in the immediately surrounding area.”

I Believe in the Holy Spirit

By JA Show Staff / March 25, 2020

Okay, why do some version of the Creed say Holy Ghost and others say Holy Spirit? Donald Cole explains, “In the Apostles’ Creed, the term is ‘Holy Ghost,’ but ghost is an…

Conceived of the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary

By JA Show Staff / January 6, 2020

Let’s acknowledge right from the start that the virgin birth of Jesus is a difficult doctrine to wrap your mind around. After all, how many virgins do you know who have ever gotten pregnant – while retaining their virginity?

What Does it Mean to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

By Rev. Sam Harris / June 6, 2018

First of all, the word “blasphemy” comes from the Greek word “blasphemia” which means speaking evil against God. According to Acts 5:3-4, Peter tells Ananias that he has “lied to the Holy Spirit…You have not lied to men, but to God.” The Holy Spirit is one of the Persons of the Trinity along with the Father and the Son…

What is the Role of the Holy Spirit?

By Rev. Sam Harris / March 6, 2018

As a fairly new Christian, I have been studying what the Scriptures reveal about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have a hunger for God’s Word and want to under­stand as much of it as I can in order that I will be able to share my faith as God gives me the opportunity…

A Study of Theology IV – Part 7

By The John Ankerberg Show / December 14, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Christian Doctrine (Main category) Theology (Sub Category)     Acts 2:4 A Study of Theology IV – Part 7 (Dr. Thomas Figart) There is great controversy today in…

A Study of Theology III – Part 13

By The John Ankerberg Show / December 9, 2016

THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Salvation Titus 3:5 A Study of Theology III – Part 13 (Dr. Thomas Figart) The Holy Spirit, Justification, Adoption – Dr. Figart explains how each of these relate…

The Testimony of the Holy Spirit

By Dr. Gary Habermas / May 10, 2016

Contents Previous Article The Testimony of the Holy Spirit During my own periods of doubt and long before I had ever studied the work of the Holy Spirit, I had…

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