Current Events

A Nation in Need of Prayer

By Jeff Pallansch / January 12, 2021

This has been a dark week in American history: an insurrection violently infiltrated our capital while the pandemic has spread at record levels; thousands of families are now struggling to…

Rest in Peace

By R. L. Wilson / June 22, 2020

COVID-19 hit just a little too close to home last week when a member of my church died from complications of the disease. I first met Miguel when he was…

Pandemic or Opportunity? Making the Most of Quarantine

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / May 15, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to limit travel and other activities, people grow increasingly frustrated. While such restrictions certainly challenged our daily lives, God calls us to make the most…

How Will Church Change After the Coronavirus?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / April 8, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has altered much of life, including life within the church. A year ago, who would have believed nearly every church would only offer livestream services or shut…

A Biblical Perspective on the Coronavirus: Is This the End?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 23, 2020

Our culture—and world—have experienced and an unprecedented upheaval unseen in our generation. What began as a “growing concern” in the Wuhan province of China has expanded into the lockdown of…

A Reasoned Response to the Coronavirus

By R. L. Wilson / March 17, 2020

What should a Christian response to the Coronavirus look like? There is so much misinformation available today about COVID-19. Social media is filled with panicked messages and outlandish suggestions for…

Deep, Fake Christianity

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / November 19, 2019

Deep fake videos—edited video footage nearly impossible to detect—has led to Congressional hearing and much media hype. Yet Christians find themselves far less aware of the deep fake threats facing our faith.

4 Biblical Ways to Respond to Mass Shootings and Other Tragedies

By JA Show Staff / August 7, 2019

Recent mass shootings have led to a wide range of responses and emotions. Politicians debate gun laws, while victims grieve and Americans continue to fear for their safety. How would…

How to Handle Controversial Issues

By JA Show Staff / June 26, 2019

Daily headlines constantly bombard us with the latest disputes. From the LGBTQ community to pro-life bills or conservative versus progressive politics, there is no escape from facing difficult topics. How can Christians handle controversial issues?

The Faith of America’s Presidents

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 18, 2019

As we approach Presidents’ Day, we are reminded of the important role of our nation’s leaders
since its founding in 1776. From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to those who govern
today, the lives and actions of these presidents have greatly impacted our nation and world.
Yet few recognize the vital role faith has played in the lives of many American presidents.

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