Worldview & Culture

The Bible has much to say about how we live within our social and cultural environment.

A Preview of Easter: Prophecies, Pictures and Promises of the Redeemer

By R. L. Wilson / March 8, 2021

“And somewhere in the Garden of Eden the Lord took an innocent animal, and before the eyes of Eve and Adam, God slew that innocent animal and

Easter: The Prelude

By R. L. Wilson / March 8, 2021

The Trinity was not caught off guard when Adam and Eve sinned. They knew it was coming.

Blessed are the Peacemakers

By R. L. Wilson / March 1, 2021

Very likely everyone who reads this article understands the importance of working toward peace in our world. Peace at home; peace with our neighbors; peace in our church; racial reconciliation; and a whole host of other relationships. Among verses that could be cited are:

How to Respond When Culture Cancels Your Faith

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 1, 2021

Many believers have become alarmed regarding society’s attacks on traditional Judeo-Christian values in America. How can we respond to today’s cancel culture? The first followers of Jesus offered a model…

What Has Happened to Christianity?

By R. L. Wilson / February 2, 2021

We read in Acts 11:26, “And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”

A Nation in Need of Prayer

By Jeff Pallansch / January 12, 2021

This has been a dark week in American history: an insurrection violently infiltrated our capital while the pandemic has spread at record levels; thousands of families are now struggling to…

The Prophecies of Christmas

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / December 18, 2020

Many Christmas messages refer to the birth of Jesus fulfilling Bible prophecy. But what predictions did the coming of Jesus fulfill? Why do these prophecies matter?

Christmas Through the Eyes of the Shepherds

By Jeff Pallansch / December 15, 2020

Imagine what it must have been like that night when the shepherds first heard of their Savior. When the darkness that surrounded them was overtaken by the radiance of God’s…

Questions About the Wise Men

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / December 7, 2020

Christmas nativity scenes often include three wise men riding camels and bringing gifts for baby Jesus.

An Advent Challenge

By R. L. Wilson / November 24, 2020

Are you ready for an Advent challenge? In Timothy Keller’s book Jesus the King, he explains, “When I went through confirmation classes in my church, I had to memorize Scripture. But during college the Bible came alive in a way that was hard to describe…”

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