Our culture—and world—have experienced and an unprecedented upheaval unseen in our generation. What began as a “growing concern” in the Wuhan province of China has expanded into the lockdown of entire cities, states, and even countries to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Does the Bible state anything to help in response to the Coronavirus?…

Who Are the Nations in Ezekiel 38?
Who Are the Nations in Ezekiel 38? Ezekiel 38 mentions several nations that will come against Israel in a future battle. Who Are the Nations in Ezekiel 38 The main nations are noted in Ezekiel 38:1-6: The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land…

God On the Mountain
The first time I heard the song “God on the Mountain” was on a Gaither album, sung by Lynda Randle. The words spoke to me in a time when I truly needed the message. Let me give you a little background. My sister and I cared for our mother during her final years of life.…

Is It Wrong for Men to Have Long Hair?
Is It Wrong for Men to Have Long Hair? Some have argued the Bible commands that men should not have long hair. Is this true? What does the Bible say about this issue? The origin of this controversy can be found in 1 Corinthians 11:14. Paul wrote, “Does not the very nature of things teach you…

What should a Christian response to the Coronavirus look like? There is so much misinformation available today about COVID-19. Social media is filled with panicked messages and outlandish suggestions for avoiding the virus. The news media offers hour by hour reports of cancellations, quarantines, shortages. Some of the suggestions given might actually be helpful, but…

Natural Deterioration
Published 1-22-2016 A mid-winter retreat from the cold winter climate of our permanent residence affords an opportunity to connect with relatives and friends. Some siblings have already become permanently ensconced in warm climates. Many personal friends and neighbors from frigid northern states have taken the opportunity to escape to Florida or Arizona, some for a…

Is Believing in God Enough?
James’ epistle has always been considered a very practical approach to our faith. He still affirms that we are saved by faith alone, but if works are not coming in response to our faith, it is a dead faith. It is important to understand that James and Paul are not in conflict with each other.

When Were the Gospels Written? (and Why It Matters)
When were the four Gospels written? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are noted as the four books that authoritatively describe the life, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus. However, these writings have often come under attack by those who doubt their accuracy, authorship, or time of composition. The following brief discussion offers basic information to support…

I Believe in Jesus… Coming Again
If you had to guess, how much would you think the New Testament talks about Jesus’ second coming? Would it surprise you to know that the second coming is alluded to about once in every thirteen verses in the New Testament, and once in every ten verses in the Epistles? With this evidence before us, can…

I Believe in Jesus… Seated at the Right Hand of the Father
Michael Bird asks, What is the Old Testament passage that is most quoted or echoed in the New Testament?… the answer is in fact Psalm 110, especially the first four verses…. This text was top of the billboard charts for Christian preaching. It was popular because it set forth a hugely important claim. Jesus had…