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Love Your Digital Neighbor as Yourself

Do you find yourself tired of negative comments on social media? Maybe you’ve made a few yourself. How would God have us use social media? What guidelines does the Bible provide? While today’s social media did not exist in the first century, Jesus communicated an important story that holds powerful lessons regarding what we post,…

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How Do We Speak the Truth in Love?

Today’s politically correct culture encourages us to accept all views and beliefs as equally valid. However, the Bible clearly teaches there are many areas where right and wrong is not a matter of opinion. We are instead commanded to speak God’s truth. In Ephesians 4:15, the apostle Paul teaches believers are to “speak the truth in love.” Rather than giving in to social pressure, we are to stand firm regarding our Christian convictions. Yet many have questions regarding the best way to proceed in this area. How can we speak God’s truth in love?


4 Ways to Speak the Truth in Love

Today’s politically correct culture encourages us to accept all views and beliefs as equally valid. However, the Bible clearly teaches there are many areas where right and wrong is not a matter of opinion. We are instead commanded to speak God’s truth. In Ephesians 4:15, the apostle Paul teaches believers are to “speak the truth…


The Influence of Technology on Bible Usage

The Barna Group’s “State of the Bible 2018” study focused on seven key findings regarding views of the Bible by American Christians. Of great significance is its findings on the use of technology to read the Bible. A close look reveals four key ways technology influences Bible usage among American today. Influence 1: Internet Usage…

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Is Abstinence Realistic?

Most people today seem to think that telling young people to wait for sex until marriage is unrealistic. But is it really?


Why Americans Attend Church: Data and Discussion

A Pew Research study released this week noted the top reasons Americans attend church worship services. The most common answers include: 81% attend to become closer to God 69% attend so their children will have a moral foundation 68% attend to “make me a better person” 66% attend for comfort in times of trouble/sorrow Interestingly,…


What Does the Bible Really Say about Immigration?

Immigration has become a heated word in recent American politics. Some want to “build a wall,” while others desire to “open doors” for those who seek to enter the United States. During this political battle, some have turned to using Bible verses to justify both sides of the debate, even using the same verses to prove opposing views.

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What’s the Best Way to Approach Studying Different Theories on the Rapture?

Sometimes you read something by a pre-tribulationist and you say, “That really sounds convincing.” Then you pick up something by a mid-tribulationist and you say, “Well, that sounds good, too.” And then a little while later, you hear a post-tribulationist give a sermon and you say, “He really sounds like he’s on target, too.” How do you make up your mind as to which position is right and which position is wrong?


4 Keys to Overcoming Temptation

Let’s face it—we all encounter temptation. Even Jesus dealt with direct temptation from Satan. Temptation clearly exists, but how do we overcome it? In Matthew 4, Jesus defeated three specific temptations. A look at how Jesus responded offers four keys for overcoming temptation in our own lives today. Key #1: Prepare in Advance Jesus faced…


Why Is Hell Eternal?

First, hell is eternal because sin, though finite by itself, is primarily committed against an infinite God; the punishment must therefore also be infinite. Among men there are differences of both sin and its punishment, depending on the kind of sin and the one sinned against. It is not the same thing to tell a white lie as to murder a young child; nor is it the same thing to sin against the king or a neighbor. Threaten the life of your neighbor’s dog and it may anger your neighbor, but threaten the life of the King and it will cost you your life. Now imagine committing a sin against a God of endless, infinite holiness…