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Is the 70th Anniversary of Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?

This week, Israel celebrates the 70thyear of its rebirth as a modern nation. On May 14, 2018, the exact date of Israel’s return as a nation, the United States opened its embassy in Jerusalem, recognizing the city as Israel’s capital. While these events have garnered much attention in recent days, many have also asked questions…


What Does it Mean to Have a “Spirit Filled Life”?

I hear so many Christians talking about “living” for God and “the Spirit leading me,” who are self-oriented in their lives. They seem to glory in their “spirit-filled lives.”…


Was The Garden of Eden a Real Place?

Indeed, the Bible speaks of it as an actual place on earth that abounded with trees, plants, and animals. It had rivers and a gate (Genesis 2-3). However, critics point out that there is no archaeological evidence that such a place existed. They conclude that the story of Eden is just a myth…


Was Adam a Real, Historical Person?

Critical scholars generally consider the first chapters of Genesis to be myth, not history. They point to the poetic nature of the text, the parallel of the early chapters of Genesis to other ancient myths, the alleged contradiction of the text with evolution, and the late date for Adam in the Bible…


How to Honor Your Mom on Mother’s Day (Even If You Don’t Have the Best Relationship)

For many, Mother’s Day is a time of celebration. For others, however, the holiday increases anxiety, as those who struggle in their relationship with their mother face the concern of how to best handle the moment. How can you honor your mom if your relationship is not close or is in conflict? Scripture offers three…


The Blessings of Motherhood

Being a mother is one of today’s greatest challenges. Yet countless women continue to excel in the daily effort to guide and nurture their children. The story of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, offers unique insights into some of God’s blessings for mothers. When she became pregnant after years of infertility, she said:…


In God We Trust

A recent Pew Research Centerstudy of more than 4,700 Americans reveals that while 80 percent of people believe in God or a higher power, only a slim majority now believe “in the God of the Bible.” What does this study reveal about the future of our nation? A closer look reveals an even lower percentage…


One Way or Many? What Jesus Said About the Way to Heaven

Today’s culture often suggests there are many ways to heaven. Is this true? What did Jesus teach about the way a person can reach heaven? Perhaps the clearest teaching Jesus provided on this topic is found in John 14:6. Jesus declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to…

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Who Saw the Risen Jesus? The 12 Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

Easter celebrates the resurrection on Sunday morning, the third day following the death of Jesus. No one saw Jesus being resurrected, but Acts 1:3 teaches, “After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about…


5 Ways Apologetics Strengthens Our Faith

When people hear the word “apologetics,” they often wonder why you are apologizing. However, apologetics is from the Greek word apologeia meaning a defense. Christians use the word apologetics to describe the practice of presenting evidence in support of the beliefs of Christianity. A form of the word apologeia is used in 1 Peter 3:15-16…