Rediscovering the Great Commission
A new Barna study shows just over half of American churchgoers were unfamiliar with the term “Great Commission.” Another 25 percent did not know what the Great Commission means. Despite the fact that the Great Commission represents the final earthly words of Jesus, many Christians can’t even define it or even know what it is.…

5 Biblical Flaws in “Jesus Christ Superstar”
Last weekend NBC broadcast a live version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” to much fanfare. Yet despite positive reviews across mainstream media, many Christians are curious regarding the accuracy of the musical’s content. While many details could be debated, the following five flaws could be considered some of the most concerning…

7 Reasons You Can Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus
Skeptics suggest believing in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is like believing in the tooth fairy or Easter bunny. It might be a nice story—but it certainly isn’t true. Are there convincing reasons to believe in the resurrection of Jesus? With more than two billion adherents worldwide and continued growth after 2,000 years,…

How Did Roman Crucifixion Kill Jesus?
James A. Brooks, in Mark, vol. 23, The New American Commentary, writes: Crucifixion seems to have been invented by the Persians, who transmitted it to the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans learned it. It was the ultimate Roman punishment for slaves and provincials, but it was not used for Roman citizens. It was one of the…

How Do You Love Your Neighbor?
For each of us there is one person who we always forgive every time they do something wrong. There is one person who we always give the benefit of the doubt. There is one person who we always judge with their intentions in mind rather than just their actions. There is one person who…

What Historical Evidence Exists for the Resurrection?
Quite a bit of historical evidence exists for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this post, I will follow the lead of historians Gary Habermas and Mike Licona and give you five key facts that the majority of modern historians agree upon (see their book The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus). How can I say…

What the Bible Has to Say About #Metoo
America’s recent #MeToo movement has forced our culture to directly address how women are treated. As followers of Jesus, our goal is to honor him in every area of life, including how men treat women. What is the Bible’s response to this important topic? While numerous biblical principles could be mentioned, the following four examples…