Astronomy–Extraordinaire or Mundane?

By Jim Virkler | November 5, 2019

Published 11-5-2019 We conclude our short series of posts on astronomy phenomena with a few more cosmic wonders we have experienced in the past few decades. Interest in astronomy varies in our…

Autumn Decline vs Potential for Renewal

By Jim Virkler | October 18, 2019

Published 10-18-2019 Everyday conversations often begin with comments on the short and long term vagaries of the weather. Short term changes relate to rather sudden shifts. For example, one sunny…

Autumn Farewell to Monarchs

By Jim Virkler | October 10, 2019

Published 10-10-2019 Perhaps no insect commands more interest than Danaus Plexippus—the well-known Monarch butterfly. Its flashy physical appearance and distinctive migratory behavior locates this species in a special category. Our readers…

Anthropic Principle and Anthropocentrism

By Jim Virkler | September 26, 2019

Published 09-26-2019 Physicist Brandon Carter proposed the AnthropicPrinciple in 1973. It has become the topic of many fascinating scientific, philosophical, and theological discussions. William Lane Craig, philosopher and theologian, has written extensively…

Beginnings and Designs

By Jim Virkler | September 23, 2019

Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) coined the term “Big Bang” to describe what his scientist colleagues had described as an explosive event. Hoyle never accepted the concept of a Big Bang. He advocated the “Steady State” theory in which matter is continually created. He felt that the Big Bang was a pseudoscientific, irrational proposal. The universe was infinitely old, he believed, having no beginning (also no end!). He described space as never ending.

Discovering Climate Truth

By Jim Virkler | September 14, 2019

Currently, the presidential primary season has revealed that a vast majority of candidates of one major party has installed climate change as a paramount platform issue. Readers may be confronted by questions: What is your view? What guides your thinking and belief on the climate change issue? What is true?

Climate Change: Separating Blame from Cause

By Jim Virkler | September 6, 2019

Published 9-6-2019 Our climate change discussion begins with recollection of two different undergraduate electives offered by my university more than a half-century ago. Their one-word course titles caught my eye—meteorology…

Climate and Truth

By Jim Virkler | August 28, 2019

Published 8-28-2019 In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul visited Athens, Greece, one of many locations he toured during his missionary journeys. One account relates his meeting with Epicurean and Stoic…

Energy Transformations During Travel

By Jim Virkler | August 21, 2019

Published 8-21-2019 During a long cross-county journey in the family automobile, one’s thoughts sometimes wander for science-minded travelers. Scientific principles speak loudly concerning the coherence of physical creation—a coherence authored…

Energy Types

By Jim Virkler | August 4, 2019

Published 8-4-2019 “Energy Types” could be a chapter heading in a physics textbook. Those who believe in the Creation event of Genesis 1:1 rest in the assurance that “In the…

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