Selected program transcripts you can print for your own personal study or to share with a small group.



Seventh Day Adventism: Who Is Telling the Truth? – Program 1

By: Dr. William Johnsson, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Do Seventh-day Adventists hold to doctrines that are different…

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Dr. Gleason Archer Lectures on Answers to Assumed Errors in the Old Testament

By: Dr. Gleason Archer; ©1991 When it comes to alleged errors in the Old Testament, Dr. Archer…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Same-Sex Marriage

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jim Garlow, Harry Jackson, Jr., Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Craig Parshall, Tony Perkins; ©2010…

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Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation/Program 2

By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 Why is it so hard for Christians to understand the Book of…

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Why Does God Permit Evil to Exist? – Program 4

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1983 If God did not create evil, and if evil is not a “thing,” what is evil, and how did it ...
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Why Does God Permit Evil to Exist? – Program 3

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1983 If God created everything, and evil is a thing, doesn’t that mean that God created evil? Is God the Author ...
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Why Does God Permit Evil to Exist? – Program 1

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©1983 Is it fair that babies are born tainted by “original sin,” or with the sin nature? Dr. Geisler explains why ...
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The Grace of Giving

Tim LaFleur October 26, 2014 Message, Tim LaFleur, Discipleship Pastor What a privilege it is for me to be able to share the Word of ...
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Pilgrim, Was it Worth the Trouble? – Part 6

By: Dr. Michael Easley; ©2005 Dr. Easley answers audience questions on a variety of topics. Contents 1 Pilgrim, Was it Worth the Trouble? - Part ...
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Pilgrim, Was it Worth the Trouble? – Part 5

By: Dr. Michael Easley; ©2005 How and why should we boast as Christians? Dr. Easley teaches us from the example of Paul. Contents 1 Pilgrim, ...
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The Challenge Facing Every Woman/Program 4

By: Steve Arterburn, Shannon Ethridge, Fred Stoeker; ©2007 How do the media, novels, music, fashions, Internet chat rooms, and body and beauty obsessions influence young ...
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The Challenge Facing Every Man/Program 3

By: Steve Arterburn, Shannon Ethridge, Fred Stoeker; ©2007 Okay, so maybe you don’t really have a desire to follow God in regard to your sexuality. ...
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The Challenge Facing Every Woman/Program 1

By: Steve Arterburn, Shannon Ethridge, Fred Stoeker; ©2007 Though the sexual needs of women are far different from men's, they may be more dangerous. Contents ...
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What’s So Exciting About Heaven? – Randy Alcorn

Will Heaven Be Exciting By: Randy Alcorn In this session, guest Randy Alcorn along with Dr. John Ankerberg help viewers discover some of the details ...
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Heaven: What Will It Be Like?/Program 3

By: Randy Alcorn; ©2013 In this session, Dr. Ankerberg and Randy Alcorn discuss what the Bible teaches about salvation as well as how to be ...
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Heaven: What Will It Be Like?/Program 2

By: Randy Alcorn; ©2013 Children enjoy asking questions about everything—including heaven. Because there are a lot of wrong ideas about Heaven, we must base our ...
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Astrology: True or False – Program 6

By: Tom Warneke, Maxine Taylor, Karen Winterburn, Dr. John Weldon, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1988 Is astrology an equally valid source of life-direction as the Bible? ...
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Astrology: True or False – Program 5

By: Tom Warneke, Maxine Taylor, Karen Winterburn, Dr. John Weldon, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1988 What dangers could astrology pose for people who rely on astrologers ...
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Astrology: True or False – Program 4

By: Tom Warneke, Maxine Taylor, Karen Winterburn, Dr. John Weldon, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1988 Do many astrologers depend on spirit guides? Could the spirit guides ...
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Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation/Program 5

By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 Dr. Tim LaHaye makes an important point in his book Are We Living in the End Times? He writes that ...
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Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation/Program 4

By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 The seven-year tribulation period in Revelation will reveal an unprecedented time of judgment upon the earth. The apostle John’s vision ...
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Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation/Program 3

By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 The Bible discusses a terrible future time called the tribulation. Is this a real historical series of events? If so, ...
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The Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection/Program 4

By: Lee Strobel; ©2007 Over the years many have offered what they consider better alternate explanations to the biblical resurrection accounts. How to they hold ...
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The Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection/Program 3

By: Lee Strobel; ©2007 Since Jesus’ resurrection is clearly a miraculous event, how can you possibly prove whether or not it happened? How do you ...
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The Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection/Program 2

By: Lee Strobel; ©2007 Lee Strobel set out to answer two questions: Did Jesus ever claim to be the Son of God; and if he ...
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Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 1

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why Held in God’s Hands: The Doctrine of Eternal Security. Do We need to be saved again and again? Contents ...
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Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 3

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why There are still some people who have a tough time in having confidence in their salvation. What do those ...
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Hope for Those Who Doubt Their Salvation/Program 4

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2003 Why Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s personal testimony. Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Welcome. I have just one important question that I want ...
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What Scientific Evidence Proves God Created and Designed the Universe?/Program 1

By: Dr. Hugh Ross; ©2009 The Big Bang Theory has become a bad word among some Christians. However, when fully understood, the Big Bang points ...
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Why Is the Big Bang Evidence That God Created the Universe? – Program 4

By: Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Fuz Rana, Ken Samples; ©2002 The anthropic principle refers to the astonishing series of factors that make life on earth ...
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Why Is the Big Bang Evidence That God Created the Universe? – Program 3

By: Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Fuz Rana, Ken Samples; ©2002 There is amazing evidence that our universe is uniquely fine-tuned for human life on this ...
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How Was the Old Testament Written? – Program 3

By: Dr. Gerald Lrue, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1989 Are the different styles and differences in the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 proof ...
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How Was the Old Testament Written? – Program 2

By: Dr. Gerald Lrue, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1989 Is the Old Testament history, or is it myth? Is the text riddled with inconsistencies and ...
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How Was the Old Testament Written? – Program 1

By: Dr. Gerald Lrue, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr.; ©1989 Is there evidence from archaeological research that actually disproves the JEDP theory, or the documentary hypothesis? ...
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Religion and Government – Program 5

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How far should the government go in deciding moral issues? What standard should a government use ...
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Religion and Government – Program 4

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How involved should Christian leaders be in educating voters about the candidates stand on certain issues? ...
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Religion and Government – Program 3

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 Why would some claim that a pro-family agenda could actually harm America? What do they see ...
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Religion and Government – Program 5

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How far should the government go in deciding moral issues? What standard should a government use ...
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Religion and Government – Program 4

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 How involved should Christian leaders be in educating voters about the candidates stand on certain issues? ...
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Religion and Government – Program 3

By: Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. John Buchanan; ©1984 Why would some claim that a pro-family agenda could actually harm America? What do they see ...
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A Response to Bill O’Reilly’s Book “Killing Jesus” – Part 2 – Program 3

By: Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Darrell Bock; ©2013 Why did the Romans crucify Jesus? Of what did Pilate judge him to be guilty? Why ...
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A Response to Bill O’Reilly’s Book “Killing Jesus” – Part 2 – Program 2

By: Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Darrell Bock; ©2013 My guests explain why historians believe the facts show Jesus really performed supernatural miracles. How they ...
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A Response to Bill O’Reilly’s Book “Killing Jesus” – Part 2 – Program 1

By: Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Darrell Bock; ©2013 My guests explain why historians believe the facts show Jesus really performed supernatural miracles. How they ...
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Silva Mind Control – Program 1

By: Jose Silva, Dr. George DeSau, Dave Hunt, Dr. John Weldon; ©1986 Jose Silva claims his graduates can contact historical figures and invite spirit guides ...
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Seventh Day Adventism: Who Is Telling the Truth? – Program 5

By: Dr. William Johnsson, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Are there troubling signs in Seventh-day Adventism that they are moving away from a biblical stand on ...
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Seventh Day Adventism: Who Is Telling the Truth? – Program 4

By: Dr. William Johnsson, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 What information has the Bible given us to determine whether a prophet is a true prophet who ...
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Christianity vs. the Playboy Philosophy – Program 5

By: Anson Mount, Josh McDowell; ©1984 Does Playboy actually demean women by making them into little more than sexual objects? Does Playboy Degrade Women? Ankerberg: ...
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Christianity vs. the Playboy Philosophy – Program 4

By: Anson Mount, Josh McDowell; ©1984 Playboy thinks it’s normal for especially young people to engage in extramarital sex. But what are the dangers of ...
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Christianity vs. the Playboy Philosophy – Program 3

By: Anson Mount, Josh McDowell; ©1984 Well, actually, it’s your mind, at least that’s what one of our guests suggests. So what role does your ...
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