End Times

What Does John 14 Tell Us About Heaven?

By Dr. John Ankerberg / May 16, 2023

In John 14, Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me.” Verse 2: “My Father’s house has many rooms; if it…

What Does Acts 1 Teach Us About the Rapture?

By Dr. John Ankerberg / May 10, 2023

Acts 1:9-11 is very interesting in terms of prophecy and the rapture:  “After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from…

What Does 1 Corinthians 15 Tell Us About the Rapture? 

By Dr. John Ankerberg / May 1, 2023

What is going to happen when Christians die? Will all Christians die? What about the doctrine of the rapture? I want you to be able to study this yourself and…

The 3 Main Biblical Passages Concerning the Rapture

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / January 12, 2021

Many people have heard about the rapture, but where does the Bible talk about this topic? The word “rapture” is not used in the Bible, but comes from a Latin word rapturos that means to be caught up or snatched away. The New Testament speaks of this event in three main passages.

Who Are the 144,000 in Revelation?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / August 25, 2020

Revelation 7:4 notes a large group of people in the end times that has long been a source of mystery among Bible readers. It says, “Then I heard the number…

Prophetic Signs of the Times: Is this the Beginning of the End?

By JA Show Staff / April 1, 2020

The current coronavirus pandemic has the entire world on edge! Many are asking: Is this the judgment of God? Is it the beginning of the Great Tribulation? Will it lead…

Is It Possible to Take the Mark of the Beast and Be Saved?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 22, 2019

Revelation 13:15-18 describes a future time that will take place during the seven-year tribulation that will follow the rapture of believers from the earth. What is the mark of the beast?

What Does the Bible Say about the Identity of the Antichrist?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 12, 2019

The Bible mentions a future world leader known as the Antichrist who will foster global unity, yet also oppose God. Many people have sought to discover what the Bible says about this future Antichrist. What information does Scripture share?

What’s the Best Way to Approach Studying Different Theories on the Rapture?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / July 27, 2018

Sometimes you read something by a pre-tribulationist and you say, “That really sounds convincing.” Then you pick up something by a mid-tribulationist and you say, “Well, that sounds good, too.” And then a little while later, you hear a post-tribulationist give a sermon and you say, “He really sounds like he’s on target, too.” How do you make up your mind as to which position is right and which position is wrong?

What Will the Antichrist Do?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / June 14, 2018

According to Daniel 9:27, “and he [referring to the Antichrist] shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”—literally for one seven. Now, there is an interesting implication of this. Many have thought that the event which will actually start the seven-year Tribulation period—or if you want to call it the seven-year 70th week of Daniel 9 that we’re reading about here—that the event that will actually start that will be the Rapture of the Church.

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