
The Coming Invasion of Israel

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / November 21, 2023

More than 2,600 years ago, Ezekiel prophesied that in the end times, the Jews would be regathered from “many nations” around the world (Ezekiel 36–37). Sometime later, he warned, there…

The Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and the Signs of the Times

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / November 21, 2023

The temple is a place of worship for the Jewish people and is where God typically manifests Himself to His people. We know that the Jewish temple will be rebuilt…

The Amazing Rebirth of Israel

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / November 21, 2023

A significant end-time prophecy related to the present age is that Israel would become a nation again after a long worldwide dispersion of the Jews. It seemed impossible. All the…

Interpreting Prophecy: Why a Literal Approach Is Best

By Dr. Ron Rhodes / November 21, 2023

We’re going to look at interpreting prophecy. I was once interviewed by the Orange County Register, a large newspaper in Southern California. The paper was doing a story on angels.…

Should Christians Support the Modern State of Israel?

By Jeff Pallansch / October 11, 2023

This article explores the question of whether Christians should support the modern state of Israel in light of recent events, particularly a surprise attack by Hamas resulting in fatalities and hostages. The author acknowledges that supporting Israel does not mean endorsing every action or policy, but rather affirming their belief that the land of Israel has been promised to them by God. The article goes on to provide biblical and practical reasons for supporting Israel, and suggests that Christians have a specific call to support Israel as part of their role as the church.

The Lord Saved Israel

By R. L. Wilson / May 31, 2023

“That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore.” (Exodus 14:30) We need a little background on…

Fulfilling God’s Message

By R. L. Wilson / November 30, 2020

Many years ago I taught a Bible study entitled “Christ BC” (Christ Before Christ). It was a beautiful study of Jesus found in 12 or 13 people and events in the Old Testament. I was reminded of that study today as I read a challenge to look for the phrase “this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through his prophet,” or similar phrases in the Gospel of Matthew. Mind officially blown.

Is Israel’s New Treaty with the United Arab Emirates a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / August 17, 2020

Israel’s recently-announced treaty with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalize relations between the two nations is the first major peace treaty between Israel and a Middle East in over…

How Should Christians View Israel?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / December 18, 2019

Supporting Israel has often been a controversial view. Many Arab nations do not even accept Israel as a nation, Western nations often support Palestinians over Israel, while many simply do…

Who are “the elect” referred to in Matthew 24:31?

By ATRI Staff / October 22, 2019

Dr. Renald Showers: The question here is this: “Who are the elect…

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