
Paul says that if Christ has not risen, then your faith is futile. Learn the facts about Jesus’ resurrection and what that means for us today.

Paradise: Where Did Jesus Go After His Resurrection Appearances?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 9, 2021

Many emphasize the resurrection of Jesus, but few discuss what happened after His appearances. Where did Jesus go?

Post Resurrection: The Appearances of Jesus

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 9, 2021

Easter only exists if Jesus literally appeared again after His death. The Bible speaks of Jesus dying on the cross on Preparation Day …

I AM the Resurrection

By R. L. Wilson / June 22, 2020

In John 11:25 Jesus makes the statement “I am the resurrection and the life.” Now, I don’t know about you, but there’s something about this statement that has never really…

The Resurrection: Accurately Recorded and Reported

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / April 1, 2020

Skeptics of the resurrection of Jesus typically attack two key areas: the accurate recording of the New Testament accounts and the accurate reporting of these accounts. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at these two areas to show the evidence strongly supports the traditional beliefs of Christianity.

I Believe in Jesus… Ascended

By R. L. Wilson / March 9, 2020

The Old Testament book of Leviticus lays out detailed instructions for the High Priest on how he is to prepare and present the offerings to the Lord. The details included…

I Believe in Jesus… Risen!

By JA Show Staff / February 18, 2020

In his book Affirming the Apostles’ Creed, J.I. Packer poses this intriguing question: “Suppose that Jesus, having died on the cross, had stayed dead. Suppose that, like Socrates or Confucius, he was now no more than a beautiful memory. Would it matter?

When Was Easter?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 28, 2019

A Brief Timeline of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Many have debated the exact times of the death and resurrection of Jesus. What can we determine from both Scripture…

7 Reasons You Can Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus

By The John Ankerberg Show / March 23, 2018

Skeptics suggest believing in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is like believing in the tooth fairy or Easter bunny. It might be a nice story—but it certainly isn’t…

What Historical Evidence Exists for the Resurrection?

By The John Ankerberg Show / March 20, 2018

Quite a bit of historical evidence exists for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In this post, I will follow the lead of historians Gary Habermas and Mike Licona and give…

How Do Women Eyewitnesses Lend Credibility To The Resurrection Accounts?

By The John Ankerberg Show / March 6, 2018

In Matthew, Mark, and John, women disciples of Jesus are reported as the first eyewitnesses to the empty tomb and the resurrected Jesus. Many biblical scholars have argued that this…

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