Science Blog

Jim Virkler draws from science to teach us more about God and how the world around us reveals Him.

Climate Change: Separating Blame from Cause

By Jim Virkler / September 6, 2019

Published 9-6-2019 Our climate change discussion begins with recollection of two different undergraduate electives offered by my university more than a half-century ago. Their one-word course titles caught my eye—meteorology…

Climate and Truth

By Jim Virkler / August 28, 2019

Published 8-28-2019 In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul visited Athens, Greece, one of many locations he toured during his missionary journeys. One account relates his meeting with Epicurean and Stoic…

Energy Transformations During Travel

By Jim Virkler / August 21, 2019

Published 8-21-2019 During a long cross-county journey in the family automobile, one’s thoughts sometimes wander for science-minded travelers. Scientific principles speak loudly concerning the coherence of physical creation—a coherence authored…

Energy Types

By Jim Virkler / August 4, 2019

Published 8-4-2019 “Energy Types” could be a chapter heading in a physics textbook. Those who believe in the Creation event of Genesis 1:1 rest in the assurance that “In the…

Creation of Energy

By Jim Virkler / July 30, 2019

Published 7-30-2019 Genesis 1:1 is one of the most frequently quoted verses in the entire Bible. It speaks of the creation of the heavens and the earth—all that exists—in the…

Moon Landing at 50 Years

By Jim Virkler / July 20, 2019

Published 7-20-2019 As we write our calendar reads July 20, 2019—fifty years to the day after humans first set foot on our lunar companion during the Apollo 11 program. This is a day when…

Fossil Fuels in Family History

By Jim Virkler / July 19, 2019

Published 7-19-2019 Fossil fuel energy was a fundamental driver of the Industrial Revolution and subsequent revolutions of the past 250 years. Contemporary society’s technological, economic, and social development was birthed…

Carbon Concerns

By Jim Virkler / July 8, 2019

Published 7-8-2019 Articles about climate change are often intensely agenda-driven. We prefer to characterize climate as a wonder-driven topic. When I was a science teacher, I hoped my weather and…

Carbon Concerns

By Jim Virkler / July 8, 2019

Published 7-8-2019 Articles about climate change are often intensely agenda-driven. We prefer to characterize climate as a wonder-driven topic. When I was a science teacher, I hoped my weather and…

Wondering About Fossil Fuels

By Jim Virkler / June 29, 2019

Published 6-29-2019 Christianity Today in June 2019 published a lengthy article about the fossil fuel resource of petroleum. The magazine cover background was a colorful depiction of an oil slick on…

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