What does living as a “Christ follower” mean for your everyday life?

New Year, Renewed Faith

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | December 22, 2020

The new year makes a great time to consider how to renew our faith as well. Many will make resolutions, but a spiritual goal for the next 12 months can have an eternal impact. What are some practical ways to renew your faith in 2021?

The Value of a Good Foundation

By R. L. Wilson | December 21, 2020

Never underestimate the value of a good foundation! I’m a crafter. My preferred craft is crochet, but I’ll entertain other options from time to time. When I was younger and…

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

By R. L. Wilson | December 15, 2020

“Let us mark what kind of Being the Redeemer of mankind must needs be, in order to provide eternal redemption for sinners. If no one less than the Eternal God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, could take away the sin of the world, sin must be a far more abominable thing in the sight of God than most men suppose.”[1]

Are You Satisfied?

By R. L. Wilson | November 23, 2020

“It is Christ alone who supplies all the spiritual needs of all believers.”[1] Does that ring true to you? Do you find yourself entirely satisfied spiritually in Christ, or are…

Mary, What Did You Know

By R. L. Wilson | November 20, 2020

We just don’t know a lot about Mary, the young woman who would become the mother of Jesus. We assume from historical records that she was fairly young, perhaps 14 or 15 years old, since that was the age when most young girls became engaged.

Anna: Witness to the Messiah

By R. L. Wilson | November 19, 2020

When Joseph and Mary brought their infant son Jesus to the temple eight days after His birth, they were greeted by two people about whom we know very little—other than the fact that they were at the temple.

For Thine is the Kingdom

By R. L. Wilson | November 9, 2020

Most commentators suggest that these words were not included in the model prayer given by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Albert Mohler explains, “As a result of studying ancient manuscripts, scholars now believe with some certainty that these words were probably a later addition to the Lord’s Prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer seems to end rather abruptly, Christians in the early church added a doxology to the end of the prayer so as to give God the final word of praise in corporate worship settings.”[1]

Doubting God

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | November 2, 2020

How can we respond with we find ourselves doubting God? This is the topic addressed in program 3 of Dr. Ankerberg’s series with Dr. Erwin Lutzer entitled Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? (Part 2).

How Can God Be Good If He Allows a Pandemic?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | October 28, 2020

Can God really be good if He allows over 200,000 Americans to die to the coronavirus? This is the topic addressed in program 2 of Dr. Ankerberg’s series with Dr. Erwin Lutzer entitled Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? (Part 2).

Lead Us Not into Temptation

By R. L. Wilson | October 26, 2020

How do we reconcile this petition with James 1:13, “no one, when tempted, should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one”? So does God tempt us, or does He not?

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