Recent Articles

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What is Your God Like?

In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer says this: “We tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God.”[1] What is your God like? Think about that for a few moments. Do you think of God as distant, not really aware of what’s going on…

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He Came from Heaven to Earth

What do you imagine heaven to be like? Maybe you think of it as some kind of glorified Las Vegas or New York City with all the entertainment possibilities imaginable, lots to see and do, buskers on every corner, food choices galore. Oh, of course we read about the streets of gold, the fruit trees…

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God Undressed

In his book, The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey shares this quote from George Herbert: The God of power, as he did ride  In his majestick robes of glorie  Resolv’d to light; and so one day  He did descend, undressing all the way.[1] Think about that a minute. Have you ever really stopped to…

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God Makes Himself Known through Jesus

Every Christmas for many years, Paul Harvey would retell the parable of the Man and the Birds.[1] In brief, it involved a man who saw a flock of birds in distress on a cold snowy morning. He tried to get them to go into a nearby barn for shelter, but they would not go. He…

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God Makes Himself Known Through Scripture

In two previous articles we talked in a general sense about what revelation is, and how God has revealed some things about Himself through the things He created. Look’s look at how God makes himself known through scripture. Now we come to the first of two avenues of revelation known as “special revelation.” In this article…


Coming Home Because of Christmas:
How the Exodus Prefigured in Abraham Points to Our Redemption in Christ

I will never forget that snowy December evening as I sat by myself in an empty hotel restaurant. It was two days before Christmas and my flight from Canada back to the States had been canceled. So there I was, in a spacious pink and green booth, eating dinner while Christmas songs played throughout the…

Finding Jesus Bronze Serpent Article

Finding Jesus: How a Bronze Serpent Leads Us to the Redemption Story

Most people, Christian or not, are familiar with the words of John 3:16, arguably one of the most popular verses in Scripture. It is found in the midst of a conversation Jesus is having with a religious leader who comes to Him in secret, trying to learn and understand, while not risking his station. But…


The Cities of Refuge as a Picture of Christ

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He was far more than just a Jewish boy born to poor parents in less than auspicious circumstances. He was, as John 1 tells us, God who, “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Let’s look at how the cities of refuge is a picture of Christ. Throughout…


An Introduction to Typology

When Jesus came into this world, He entered a scene that was thousands of years in the making. It was His making – intentionally crafted to reveal who He was and what He came to accomplish. The more we understand of how God set up this scene, the richer our picture of Jesus becomes. Along…

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Once and For All

In His first advent, Jesus came as a newborn to His creation. Yet His first breath on earth was not His beginning, for He is eternal and has always been. Fully God and fully man, He came to be the much-anticipated Great Mediator. Redemption’s story did not begin in Matthew but instead began in Genesis.…