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What to Do When God Is Silent

Even Christians who have walked closely with God for years have experienced times when He seems distant or quiet. Why does God seem silent? What can we do during these difficult times? In program two of Dr. Ankerberg’s program with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about the Covid-19 pandemic, they discuss what the Bible teaches regarding these…


How Does God Use Evil for Good?

In program 1 of Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? Dr. John Ankerberg interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer regarding the many ways the Covid-19 crisis has changed our world—and how God is working through it. Some claim the pandemic is a judgment from God. Others suggest God seems to be uninvolved…


I Exalt Thee: A Prayer of Adoration

To adore: an act of offering deep love and respect, of worshiping someone. To exalt: to elevate by praise or in estimation To extol: to praise highly Each of the verses below speak of exalting (or extoling) our Lord. Read each verse. Look it up in your Bible to see the author’s context, and why…


Our Daily Bread

“Give us this day our daily bread.” The first thing we naturally think of is God’s provision of the daily manna for His people in the wilderness. No doubt you remember the story in Exodus 16. God told Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each…


Is Karma Biblical?

In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the result of a person’s actions as well as the actions themselves. The actions of a person in this life (and previous lives) impact a person’s future fate and future lives. In today’s culture, popular videos and expressions have popularized the concept of karma, but is it consistent with…


Beyond My Control

Simon of Cyrene was just an ordinary guy, going about his ordinary business when he was grabbed by a couple of soldiers. If that wasn’t bad enough, he was then pulled into a moving throng of people—soldiers, convicts, and rabble-rousers—and he was forced to carry all or part of a heavy wooden cross to a…


On Earth As It Is In Heaven

We’ve talked about God’s kingdom (His rule, His reign) coming; we’ve talked about His will being done. And God’s will (has been and) will be accomplished, both in heaven and on earth. That’s made abundantly clear by verses such as Job 42:2 (“no purpose of yours can be thwarted”), Job 23:13 (“He does whatever he…


Discovering God’s Will: A Parenthetical Thought

[Author’s note: While writing the article on “Thy will be done,” I struggled to keep the focus on God’s will, rather than “God’s will for me.” Several of the books I am reading while writing this series seem to entwine the two thoughts. So, since that topic is clearly important to many believers, it seemed…


The Word Became Flesh

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) What does the Word became Flesh mean? That is an astonishing statement, given that we are talking about Jesus – God Himself –…


Are Evangelicals Rejecting the Bible’s Teachings on Gender?

A recent Lifeway study reports 1 in 5 evangelicals reject the Bible’s teachings on gender, instead accepting “gender fluidity.” Though 73 percent of American evangelicals disagree gender is a matter of choice, this growing number of those rejecting this view challenges believers to look once again at what Scripture’s teaching state on this important issue.…