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Fresh Out of Grace

One morning I was kidding around with one of my coworkers, and I made the comment that I was “fresh out of grace this morning.” Unfortunately, I can’t remember the exact context; perhaps that would be “funnier” if I could. But it made me think about what my life would be like if I was…

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

To hallow: to make holy, to consecrate (to make or declare something sacred) – Merriam Webster Dictionary. The word “hallow” means to “honor” or “make uncommon”—to “make something special,” we might say in contemporary English. – Wesley Hill[1] Okay, with those definitions out of the way, what do (or should) we mean when we pray,…

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Who Are the 144,000 in Revelation?

Revelation 7:4 notes a large group of people in the end times that has long been a source of mystery among Bible readers. It says, “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” After these words, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel are listed. Who are…


Non-native Species Invasions

One of the most challenging scenarios of the invasive species phenomenon in the US is the heroic battle officials are waging to deter the entrance of Asian carp into the Great Lakes. These Asian imports, silver, bighead, black and grass carp were deliberately brought to the US by operators of aquaculture ponds and aquatic farms…


Non-native Species Invasions

One of the most challenging scenarios of the invasive species phenomenon in the US is the heroic battle officials are waging to deter the entrance of Asian carp into the Great Lakes. These Asian imports, silver, bighead, black and grass carp were deliberately brought to the US by operators of aquaculture ponds and aquatic farms…


The Inscrutable Nature of God

In a series we just taped with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, he says this about Martin Rinkart[1], a German pastor who dealt with pretty unimaginable circumstances during the 17th century: “Here was a man who could see beyond the immediate, and believe that God had a higher purpose—some of which is known to us, some of…


Who Art in Heaven

Where, exactly is heaven? We don’t exactly know. God does not tell us. We do know that the Bible uses “up” language in reference to the dwelling place of God…


Is Israel’s New Treaty with the United Arab Emirates a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

Israel’s recently-announced treaty with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalize relations between the two nations is the first major peace treaty between Israel and a Middle East in over 25 years. Does this development mark a fulfilment of Bible prophecy?  A close look at Ezekiel 38 shows how this event may connect with the…

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Is God Indifferent?

The first and short answer to the title question is no. In fact, the Bible tells us that God loves us (1 John 4:19). More on that later. But I’m guessing that even in human terms, we don’t say we “love” something that we are indifferent toward, right? (Okay, I’m thinking in terms of we…

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Our Father

The Lord’s Prayer has been repeated hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout the lifetime of many Christians. But, if you’re anything like me, you haven’t spent much time really thinking about what you are saying. So over the next few months I’m going to take a journey of discovery, and drag you along with…