Why Are There So Many Church Denominations?
Thousands of denominations exist today. Why are there so many?

Did Samson Commit Suicide?
At Samson’s death, his final words were, “Let me die with the Philistines!” (Judges 16:30). He pushed down the pillars of the temple, killing himself and his enemies. Was Samson’s death a suicide?

Does Church Attendance Matter?
According to most surveys, church attendance continues to decline nationwide. Many suggest church attendance is not even important for our spiritual growth. Is this true? What does the Bible say about church attendance?

Is Karma Biblical?
Karma is the belief in eastern religions that what a person does influences our quality of life and future lives. Is this viewpoint of karma biblical? Three biblical passages have sometimes been used to justify this connection…

What does the Bible say about #MeToo?
America’s recent #MeToo movement has forced our culture to directly address how women are treated. As followers of Jesus, our goal is to honor him in every area of life, including how men treat women. What is the Bible’s response to this important topic?

What does the Bible Say about Reincarnation?
Eastern religions and a growing number of people in Western culture accept the belief that people are reincarnated after death. What does the Bible say about this issue?
First, a key verse in this discussion can be found in Hebrews 9:27: “people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” Scripture is clear we only live one time, not many.

How should we fight anxiety?
There are many reasons we can think of that contribute to growing rates of anxiety. The news. Social media. Global economies. The brokenness we see in the world. But none of these things are going to change anytime soon. We do not have the power to solve these issues overnight. What we do have is the ability to change how we react to them.

When Was Jesus Really Born?
When Was Jesus Really Born? Though the resurrection of Jesus was celebrated from the earliest times of church history, the celebration of the birth of Jesus developed relatively later. Still today, people debate the “true” date of Christmas. Many wonder, when was Jesus really born? The answer is not as easy as it would seem.…